September 30th, 10.24: is wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year! It is New Year today and the weather is Christmas like so, she may!
September 29th, 1.18: thinks maybe she should follow a friend's idea and count her empty glasses in the cupboard
September 29th, 11.25: is wishing you a Happy New Year in V.O, Happy Eid and in case she'll miss you at that time, Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah!
September 29th, 0.13: is about to go to bed… Or at least the thought of it is there
September 28th, 21.36: has followed the little red line all morning then dropped it for the yellow brick road
September 28th, 11.38: is following the little red line…
September 28th, 2.57: has been rethinking things and managed to reach a few conclusions… Work not done but a clearer line is being drawn
September 27th, 1.58: thinks the right word may be effective, but no word was ever so effective as a rightly times pause…
September 26th, 10.30: thinks a day has a start to it so that one can start it. But when is the start? Or is the end when you actually think you should begin?…
September 26th, 1.43: is wondering why some people are the way they are and others aren't!… She may prefer the "aren't" but right now, she may go to sleep
September 25th, 9.48: should get up. There are more things she has to do today than there is time. Try to beat that one!
September 25th, 1.25: needs sleep! 1st comes e-commerce, then new baby Adam, biz RV, cocktails with Carl, Castelbajac, Flute, then blackout!
September 25th, 0.18: has reached the day after yesterday so maybe it’s time to stop, close and reboot!
September 24th, 21.07: is home, working and thinking of the day’s accomplishments and people. Great day! Great people! Great status!
September 24th, 16.54: has seen the new born baby boy & is meeting the slightly older web E-Commerc'ants. Diapers or web strategies?
September 24th, 9.22: needs to get up now. Got a new baby to go visit, an ecommerce fair to explore, someone to discuss with & a translation to do… What is time?
September 24th, 2.16: thinks she should probably go to bed. So far, she’s still considering. Hopefully soon she will be acting on it!
September 24th, 1.06: has dropped one option out of the night’s two and is satisfied with her choice. She stands by her choice!!
September 23rd, 17.25: ‘s dilemma is over. First comes TechCrunch, then comes E-commerce and probably way too many champagne glasses all through!
September 23rd, 11.35: will actually be at the E-Commerce fair tomorrow but tonight's dilemma is still on. What to do, where to go, what to wear, what to say?
September 23rd, 9.55: is going to E-Commerce all day, VIP & TechCrucnh party all night. 1 day, 3 opportunities, so much socializing…what to wear?
September 23rd, 0.23: thinks it’s time to Ctrl+S, disguise herself into a sleeping beauty and turn herself off. The question is, will prince charm come kiss her good morning?
September 22nd, 23.19: is still working. There’s no point distracting her by asking “are you really working” every 5 min. She is! … Sounds weird though, doesn’t it?
September 22nd, 21.10: is working, reading, translating, thinking, experimenting, drinking and every now and again, smoking. No Skippy involved! Sounds familiar?
September 22nd, 19.19: is and will be but may be not. Who knows!? Do you?
September 22nd, 13.59: is working, reading, translating, thinking, experimenting, drinking and every now and again, smoking. No Skippy involved!
September 22nd, 10.17: thinks life may be just a merry-go-round. Come on up. You might get a brass ring or win a free ride
September 22nd, 2.38: is upset with FR night TV. 1st came Secret Story, now comes StarAc. Although, she could probably just switch off
September 22nd, 1.58: can't sleep! Bored, thinking maybe she'll do some work. One is smarter at night time, said.. Am sure someone great said something along those lines
September 22nd, 0.20: thinks life is too short, and the time we waste in yawning never can be regained, therefore she is off to bed, sleep and wake up all pink and perky!
September 21st, 22.15: thinks letting go doesn’t mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are thing that cannot be
September 21st, 21.24: is letting go… sometimes a girl just needs what she cannot seem to get. Choosing early bed over cocktails and shallow words!
September 21st, 20.55: is giving up…
September 21st, 10.41: is letting go of her bed and accepting the fact she cannot stay in it all day and escape her destiny
September 21st, 0.58: thinking letting go may not mean giving up, but rather accepting that there are things that cannot be!
September 21st, 0.27: has a little dreidel, she made it out of clay. And when it’s dry and ready, Oh dreidel she shall play
September 20th, 15.57: is grilling in the sun. Her hair is going from red to burning! She's wishing you all a merry Christmas (wishful chilling thinking)
September 20th, 14.19: thinks feeling restless is not a very positive feeling yet may have a positive outcome. She's feeling like a bloody - sevivon!
September 20th, 14.03: has reached her little seat out in the sun but the restleness has not left her...
September 20th, 11.33: feels restless and is going out. Where to? The usual! A nice walk to cross Paris and rest her mind!
September 20th, 9.55: is packing to get out of bed and soon travelling off to the kitchen where she will be served coffee by the coffee machine
September 19th, 23.13: is suffering from cold-winter-days-far-too-early and going to bed before even 11.30 like a cat, purr where it’s warm!
September 19th, 18.45: is freezing out in Paris. She needs warmth... How about a free hug evening?
September 19th, 9.57: slept, woke up, got up, drank coffee, now sitting down to work. Isn’t that what normal people do?
September 19th, 2.55: is home too late for a very early wake up call (happens even to her) and too early for Castel standards. Tough!
September 18th, 16.53: thinks clocks slay time… time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life
September 18th, 15.04: is back at her old office for some work and coffees. The Etienne Marcel has been out of her life for a life and today they’ll have a true love day!
September 18th, 11.19: thinks the best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time
September 18th, 2.46: thinks she shouldn’t be discouraged. It's often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock!
September 17th, 23.47: is sick and tired of being sick and tired! And only one day has gone by of tissues and tea! A woman’s got no patience to catch a cold!
September 17th, 10.22: is up, working faster than the wind! Whatever that may mean…
September 17th, 7.17: is correcting. The stupid farmer in her dream is actually the beginning of a cold in disguise. Even worse then being abducted by 3 headed aliens!
September 17th, 6.50: is tangled up in her duvet but can't sleep! Got woken up by a stupid dream. Some stupid farmer who pulled an X file stunt on her. Now what?
September 17th, 1.54: thinks she may look quite sexy in her big night woollen socks and her flannel pyjama, hiding under the duvet like there are monsters under the bed!
September 17th, 0.25: left the house tonight heavy booted and jacket’ed! This autumn is winter and she likes it not!
September 16th, 20.25: needs a drink! It’s September, not even 8.30pm and it’s pitch black and cold outside!! What does this mean? Where is my cocktail?
September 16th, 18.06: is asking, do you, TDiP friend deny that the USSR has placed intermediate range missiles in Cuba and that you will join us @ BAXO 18/9 for dinner? Yes or no?
September 16th, 10.25: is up working. By the end of the day she may speak languages you don’t understand. Don’t take it too personally
September 16th, 2.54: will never really understand why the central heat is on till July when you can hardly breath & off in Sept when you're exposed to the wind like a hairless rat
September 16th, 2.10: is in bed with real pj pants, pj shirt, socks & and a jumper. Is this still September or did we jump to December?
September 16th, 1.35: thinks many things such as loving or going to sleep are done worst when we try hardest to dot hem so basically, she will not sleep! Not sleep! Not sleep!
September 16th, 0.10: is wondering, did you ever notice when you blow in a dog’s face he gets mad at you? But when you take him in a car he sticks his head out the window
September 15th, 13.58: thinks about life, choices we make or the outcome of things we don’t, men, shoes and low fat Skippy
September 15th, 11.15: is wondering why everyone hates the new FB, what to wear today and if she has enough milk for her coffee. Existential questions in the morning!
September 15th, 0.31: thinks a man doing his seduction act only to test his general seduction skills, is a very tiring thing. Chances are you’re digging your own grave and not your bed
September 15th, 0.16: thinks they talk too much! They run after you saying they want you and when you give them an opportunity to show it all, the act is off!
September 14th, 22.08: loves sleeping beauty. The music, the sets, the costumes. It’s so romantic! …Or maybe she only likes it because she sleeps for a 100 years and doesn’t age
September 14th, 20.46: is so tired but cannot sleep. Standing on the edge of something much too deep. Funny how she feels so much but cannot say a word…
September 14th, 13.15: is up and about to go feel the sun on her face. Philosophes or not Philosophes, that is the question!
September 14th, 5.32: is hopelessly awake past 5am. She could probably make a great film of her dreams but she chooses sleep over fame!
September 14th, 1.56: worked all day in her sweat pants then went on to the Fumoir looking like Heidi in the mountains, plus the cocktail. The look of the season!
September 13th, 14.08: is wondering if everyone went by to say hello to the pope today while she’s been translating terms and facts. Is he well? Maybe he’d like to join for a TDiP
September 13th, 12.13: is up, work is on the table, the sun is shining but not sure she’ll be seeing any of it until it’s champagne time! Actually, champagne has no real time, does it?
September 13th, 2.05: wants her cheesecake award tonight! Anyone up for late night cheesecake shopping, just send it over! Cheers!
September 13th, 1.37: is done with work for tonight. She reckons she should be awarded tomorrow… Champagne? A cheesecake?
September 13th, 0.51: is working, watching Capuçon on TV, replying mails, trying hard not to think of peanut butter and not going out, no!
September 12th, 22.20: is working on this Friday night and wondering if the wolves are hungry at night
September 12th, 11.24: doesn’t understand why people ask questions & request replies about parties they end up never attending! Is it just to make her work harder? No need!
September 12th, 10.10: has been concentrating most of the night on sleeping & thinks it may have delayed it just because of that
September 12th, 1.43: is concentrating on being tired. Some say that if you put your mind to it, it will come!
September 12th, 1.16: is wondering when did yesterday end?? Last she looked at the time it was barely 10pm, now, we’re a day ahead… Where was she?
September 11th, 23.31: is an illegal alien and have been for many years. If you rub her skin, she goes green
September 11th, 22: is in love with Paris Premiere and their VO TV. Got a better plan for a Thursday night (on a TdiP break of course!!) than alien colonists and Agent Moulder in English?
September 11th, 11.39: is wondering, what next? Where next? Who's next? ... Who's who?
September 11th, 1.27: is amazed how time goes by. One minute you’re at the Alcazar drinking champagne with friends, the next, you’re at home heading to bed, pizza free. What do you know!?
September 10th, 9.26: is wondering why cats get so anxious to have boiled fish in the morning & where they get their energy from, scratching on doors & all…
September 10th, 1.05: is boxing her bed hoping it will box her back to sleep
September 9th, 19.28: is boxing the past with her bare hands. With her eyes shot, she maintains tomorrow
September 9th, 5.40: wonders how come she can't access the good wifi network on her pc & only on her phone? Any good computer little helper out there?
September 9th, 9.33: is up, boiled the fish, drank the coffee, got rid of cat hair on her cloths and ready to go
September 9th, 1.06: needs to sleep cause tomorrow, she's getting up like normal people, if not earlier. Counting on Jules to assure her an early wake up call
September 9th, 0.40: is back home, locked away from the cat where it is safe... Nacer, are you following? ;)
September 8th, 17.436 is getting ready to migrate to the cat hut for the next few days. Boiled fish in the morning again, scratches on her arms and legs, black cloths turn grey
September 8th, 10.51: is wondering if one can beat time. She honestly thinks 'not' but today she'll test the theory and drop you a note
September 8th, 2.31: thinks maybe she should move to India. Wear fabulous Indian cloths & jewellery. Meet an Indian boy & fall in love with Indian subtitles
September 8th, 1.34: thinks that if we’re all alone, we’re all together in that too… She finds that thought to be comforting at times…
September 8th, 0.37: is watching “PS. I love you” again and we all know what this film does to her emotionally and mascara wise. Disastrous on both!
September 7th, 20.43: has resisted 33 years to the “Shining”. Now having watched it, will sleep with lights on, “Shrek” on ‘repeat’ all night and phones off!
September 6th, 11.31: is starting to open her eyes up to the world and is turning herself off. Some switches need to be changed, fixed and deleted
September 6th, 2.23: said she was off to bed over 2 hours ago but since when is her sleep on track? Rebooting
September 6th, 0.14: is going to bed now and hoping to wake up on another planet for a short holiday and some fresh air!
September 5th, 23.30: is wondering, did she say 1 cocktail??… She actually meant 2… Or to make it simple and easy just line up a few!
September 5th, 23.13: is, after being good all evening with teas and cookies, in desperate need of a cocktail!
September 5th, 21.47: wants to stay home in her big woollen socks, yet going out in the rain, high heels and a cocktail in hand sounds more and more tempting. Must be the zaza eeuu effect!
September 5th, 19.49: thinks boys who make you feel the zaza zou so fast then just as quickly, take it away with only a few words, are smart boys. Saves us trouble I’d suppose
September 5th, 11.55: thinks the best thing one can do when it’s raining it’s to let it rain!
September 5th, 1.52: is back from a great night. Great food. Great drinks. Great people. Now great sleep! Isn't that great?
September 4th, 19.47: is in love with google. Girl meets boy. Boy talks a lot. Boy even talks too much. Girl google’s boy up… Girl runs away with her heels in hand!
September 4th, 19.35: has lived her day like a princess and now is off to dance the night away in her lovely glass shoes… If she looses one, will you google her up to hand it back?
September 4th, 11.02: is waking up like a princess. Can anyone please warm her croissant up, not too much though, wouldn't want to burn her fingers
September 4th, 3.03: is exasperated! Seriously... Damn! Merde! What language should she say it in. It's past 3 and she needs to be human tomorrow
September 4th, 2.15: thinks laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion… She personally prefers to laugh. There’s less cleaning up to do afterwards
September 3rd, 14.50: has decided to attack her 2009 spring-cleaning in advance. House, friends, head and if enough courage, shoes and closet
September 3rd, 11.07: has had quite a night and feels for your own ease, she’ll be keeping quiet today
September 3rd, 2.30: has decided to sleep! May be a very wise decision that will keep her entourage safe tomorrow!
September 3rd, 1.57: s'ennuie tellement qu'elle va écrire en français! Tout le monde dort la dehors? Pfff....
September 3rd, 1.44: is bored! Yes, she should probably be sleeping but s*** happens and she's not. Anyone is up wanting to mail her?
September 3rd, 1.09: is in bed with 2 pillows over her head... Save her or it'll get nasty! Who leaves 2 dogs alone past midnight anyway??
September 3rd, 0.56: loves dogs but hates her neighbour's stupid barking dog at 1am. Make him shut up!
September 2nd, 23.54: thinks if you judge, investigate! If you are tired, go to bed!
September 2nd, 18.23: is Philosophing (where else?) while thinking about human nature and what drives people to act in certain ways rather than another...
September 2nd, 13.34: has long since come to believe that people never mean half of what they say, and that it is best to disregard their talk and judge only their actions
September 2nd, 11.02: is wishing upon a farm, some cows, horses, bugs, lovely trees and all that, and peace of mind. Anyone got something like that to offer?
September 2nd, 2.28: needs some eggs for her 3am cake and a punching ball to take it all out on
September 2nd, 1.49: feels so bloody restless she's up about to clean, iron, sort her business cards or bake a cake
September 2nd, 1.37: is in bed, no sleep and her mind that feels like it is decomposing. When does it get easier?…
September 2nd, 0.58: is dreading loosing her mind… Hopefully she has a tape back-up somewhere, and if not, lots of vodka!
September 1st, 16.40: has just moved into the land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. She reached the stop and has just crossed over into the Twilight Zone!
September 1st, 15.49: is travelling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land of imagination. Next stop, the Twilight Zone!
September 1st, 14.12: is on family duty tonight hoping not to wear her dot blue kid dress, shiny shoes and get wet kisses from her old auntie… It just won't do!
September 1st, 11.10: is here but is not here. Can you see her? My point exactly!
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