August 31st, 9.57: wonders how one knows who to trust and upon what, when both words and acts are deceiving…
August 31st, 7.59: is wishing upon a star & hoping to find herself at Maya's 1st day of kinder garden tomorrow. One of life's pure pleasures!
August 31st, 7.24: has been up most night. Thinking about the day that passed. Can't help think deception of human kind
August 30th, 23.19: is thinking “girlfriend”… friend or foe?
August 30th, 14.22: is saying that if it was up to her she’d go right back to sleep, skip this day and go straight to the next! Sundays can only be fabulous and good can’t they!?
August 30th, 11.40: thinks you may wake up at 6am, but then you fall back asleep and wake up at midday… Now however got to get moving. Was it the left leg first or the right?
August 30th, 6.30: thinks waking up at 6am is considered a sin in some parts of the world. If only it wasn’t for the blond angered b*** invading her sleep!
August 29th, 23.30: thinks “Anger”: an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which is poured! This “anger” has a name and blond hair
August 29th, 21.20: thinks some people have nothing else to do than attack others via FB. Sandra has found herself her first stalker
August 29th, 10.39: loves the man who brought her the pills and loved the pills only thinks, that despites all, all hope is lost for her! Give her a job or put her in nightly comas!
August 29th, 1.38: got her first non sleepy sleeping pill and hoping to shut her system off completely till the roosters start doing their thing
August 28th, 21.18: experienced motherhood for a few hours this afternoon with people thinking she was someone’s wife and the mother of 2… Quite nice actually!
August 28th, 13.19: thinks huge events take place on this earth every day; earthquakes, hurricanes, even glaciers move. So why couldn’t he look at me?
August 28th, 1.30: wanted her bed early & almost had it… Was so close and eyes so heavy. Now wide-awake counting ants
August 27th, 23: missed him so called him. Found out he found another. Miss him still. Hate him…
August 27th, 22.44: pressed stop. Bed. Yes. She. Now! God bless… Good night!
August 27th, 20.40: thinks people are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals. Right one that goal being test the sofa and press “Play”
August 27th, 11.30: has been up since such a long time she’s starting to think it’s time to go back to bed now!
August 27th, 7.19: is going to bed past her bedtime and waking up before its time! It’s all upside down these days!
August 27th, 0.54: has been quite expat’y tonight and is now in bed like a good girl. If you don’t hear from her till tomorrow, be happy! May the sleep force be with her… Amen!
August 26th, 18.21: is still on a wave and needs you to be extra gentle. The inner boiler is on and the kafta is one cheek away!
August 26th, 11.26: is advising you to be extra sweet to her today cause the kafta can come easy!
August 26th, 3.19: is begging of you to give her the secret to true sleep (along the lines of true love sort of thing) is there a guide book? Sleeping for idiots!
August 26th, 2.12: is in bed but if only she could be in the land of far far away… or in some hopelessly romantic fairy tale… Only for a day or two, that’s a fair request…
August 25th, 23.55: wonders why it is you only find the perfect man who will chase you no matter what, all excuses cast aside, in films or in other peoples lives?
August 25th, 11.01: has her phone taped to her ear, the keyboard taped to her fingers and drinks coffee with a straw
August 25th, 2.37: is thinking about too many things at the same time much too late at night! Tell her to stop and teach her to sleep!
August 24th, 23.56: is optimistic and thinks there is a good side to this rain after all… She’s still looking for what it is though…
August 24th, 14.15: is wondering what we have all done wrong to have such a sad depressing weather. Haven’t we all been good? Don’t we deserve some sun and affection?
August 24th, 11.07: is fed up with this Facebook spam! She felt so secure here, so safe, and now… Spam bam!
August 24th, 2.27: is watching Secret Story in bed and laughing out loud at John-David’s hair issues… Does it get more pathetic than that? John-David and herself!
August 24th, 1.11: is back home from girl meets girl meets boy then another boy, meets girl and boy, then one more boy meets boy. A fabulous day out!
August 23rd, 15.16: is in the Marais. Where else? It’s a wonder she’s not been asked to pay this neighbourhood some rent.
August 23rd, 11.08: is waking up on this Saturday and thinking, what is Saturday? Is it a resting day or a busy day? Should one be thankful for the week or is that tomorrow?
August 22nd, 23.19: is going to do her best to sleep early and get to the next day. Some days are too long and complicated to stay up late for!
August 22nd, 17.18: is wondering, when does it get any easier?
August 22nd, 3am: is in bed hoping to wake up before midday tomorrow… May god watch over her and make sure her two alarms ring!
August 21st, 20.54: is off to drink some mint tea… If you come she’ll put some vodka in it just for you… or champagne. Whichever works for you really!
August 21st, 19.13: just remembered a dream where she had a huge star tattooed all over her back. Does that mean she should wish upon a star or get a back massage?
August 21st, 14.29: should maybe watch her thoughts for they become words. Watch her words for they become actions…
August 21st, 11.38: managed to find her sleep in Bolivia and reunite with it in bed here in Paris. So proud!
August 21st, 0.34: is going to sleep this day off. It’s been a long, long day! Hopefully the postman won’t even ring once tomorrow!
August 20th, 21.37: put some stuff under her table legs and has now a happy table!
August 20th, 17.20: is restless but only good is coming out of it. Her house is sparkling, her shoes back in place. Paperwork done and files all filed! Great!
August 20th, 13.30: has known better. Banks can break you down like rain during a romantic picnic.
August 19th, 21.21: is proudly announcing she is going to bed. Yes, it is only 21.21 and she’s loving it! Have fun out there kids! Grandma is going to sleep! For once that she can!
August 19th, 16.56: is feeling the downside of going out till late and getting up before the cows even mooo!
August 19th, 7.41: has less then 5 hours of sleep in her blood… Not quite sure that will get her that far…
August 18th, 2.49: met an old friend tonight. Fantastic evening hoping to sleep now cause at 7am got to be up like normal people. Will she? Is she?
August 18th, 19.58: thinks meeting people you’ve virtually known for long, for the 1st time, is like having your first ice cream after a long cold winter… Or something like that anyway.
August 18th, 13.55: is recovering from an intense girl chick flick night! 3 films. 9pm till 3am… Quite intensive!
August 17th, 15.55: is finally ready to leave, drink, eat and be merry watching chick flicks while sipping pink cocktails. God created Sundays and Sandra is loving them!
August 17th, 13.07: is not quite sure if it’s time to leave bed or press snooze just a few more minutes. Sleep deprivation and intense jazz groupy’ing do that to you.
August 17th, 4.35: had a great 2nd time around at the Sunside with the boys! The trouble with (the) Yaron, Matt & Gerald (trio) is that there is not enough of it!
August 16th, 12.08: is off to the sun and the sunside!
August 16th, 9.20: is up. At 9… Now what?
August 16th, 8.56: went to bed at 3, work up at 8… What’s going on? She’s all upside down like a jazz tune. She’s a groupie now. Needs force and energy!
August 16th, 2.24: is back from a fabulous jazz night at the Sunside. Going back tomorrow for more! Can never have enough of good music and shoes!
August 15th, 13.06: is going to the Etienne Marcel with her t-top and good reads! Nothing like a good chicken Caesar and sun to wash the bad mood away!
August 15th, 3.39: is fed up being the good friend who is left behind in favour of the “potential maybe” who is getting a lift home while she looks for a cab alone past 3am! Merde!
August 14th, 19.30: doesn’t have a sense of entitlement or that she deserves what she has. Can she have her champagne now?
August 14th, 14.09: is asking herself too many questions for the answers she can give herself back!
August 14th, 11.59: is getting her own delivery of sleep from over seas in just over a week!! Deliverance!
August 14th, 3.05: thinks she may kill a brain cell with each Secret Story episode. She’ll have to learn to sleep again or she’ll be dumb by the end of the summer
August 14th, 1.30: can’t decide if to count an animal farm to help her sleep or the days left in the Secret Story house. Which got more potential?
August 14th, 0.25: thinks when women are depressed they go eat or shop. Men invade another country. It’s a whole different way of thinking!
August 13th, 19.08: thinks her prince charm lost her address or broke a leg on his velib! Those damn velib’s! A curse on a girl’s love life!
August 13th, 12.31: welcomes you to the church of holly cabbage. Lettuce pray!!
August 13th, 11.39: is laughing out loud at Jules (the family cat) who apparently, had nothing better to do than pee on the living room phone… Psycho cat!
August 13th, 2.19: had a fantastic day out in the windstorm. Home now. Should sleep really… Can’t obviously! Exasperated. Honestly!
August 12th, 11.43: wants to teleport to Israel, help a beauty queen blow out her 2nd year candle. There isn’t another little girl in the universe as gorgeous as Maya, don’t care what u think!
August 12th, 1.44: is going to bed hoping her Stardust transformation will operate during the night and transform her into fairy Sandra will magical powers to save the world!
August 11th, 23.29: has just watched Stardust and her life has changed! Tomorrow she’ll wish upon a star, marry a prince and glow in the dark!
August 11th, 21.44: is at home first evening in a few weeks. So far, there has been no temptation to leave it. Rather good progress!
August 11th, 11.29: is starting to fear the night like kids fear the closet monsters. It's not free-hug day but if you see her in the street today, take her in your arms!
August 11th, 3.42: is in need of a friendly, warm and long hug… This lack of sleep is making her go nuts! Needs a pair of warm arms around her and a glass of hot milk with a straw.
August 11th, 3.14: wants to sleep but lost her 10-stepws-ti-sleep guide book. If only someone could remind her of step nr. 1, maybe she’ll recall the rest.
August 11th, 1.50: is back home and thinking… Will we all end up in chairs, communicating through a screen, eating liquid food and getting obese while missing out on life around us!
August 10th, 13.19: thinks lazy is a wrong word. People are not lazy. They simply have impotent goals!
August 9th, 23.37: is back home, drunk, tired and ready to go to bed before midnight! How bad is that… or maybe on the contrary, with her sleeping history, it may be quite good!
August 9th, 13.34: has been doing so much since this early morning. Had brunch, did some emailing, found a cure for cancer…
August 9th, 11.49: could maybe pretend she's in a different time zone and feel less guilty about opening her eyes at almost midday
August 9th, 2.55: is in bed. Not asleep yet but the bed is an excellent first step! One baby step at a time!
August 9th, 2.08: thinks that if you feel lonely, move to the city! City life is millions of people being lonesome together!
August 8th, 13.32: thinks that having something to say is overrated!
August 8th, 11.20: is getting up with a slight…ly horrific hang over. Things didn’t go according to plan. Do they ever?
August 7th, 3.30: wanted to go for just a drink. Ended up in a club for one more. Finally in bed trying to end the day.
August 7th, 15.36: is afraid of the thunder! Has nightmares about plane parts falling down from the sky and giant bees aiming to sting her through doors! To be avoided in storms!
August 6th, 19.16: wants to stick her head into the freezer and keep it there till Santa comes by!!
August 6th, 10.44: thinks the nothing will be here any minute and she won’t just sit here and let it take over her!
August 6th, 2.39: is sorting out her wardrobe at 2.40am. She lost it! Completely! She needs help, or maybe just some hot milk with honey and a slight coma!
August 6th, 0.51: thinks a man is what he thinks about all day long. Maybe that’s why she’s not tired cause all day long she thought she was a superhero with superpowers!
August 5th, 2.41: wants someone to take a big heavy object and quite gently bring it on her head and make her sleepy… so, so sleepy!
August 5th, 1.04: thinks god plays a lot of comedy… the trouble is, he’s stuck with quite many bad actors who don’t know to play funny
August 4th, 14.29: is stuck in reverse!
August 4th, 12.04: is asking, liebchen - sweetnessheart, what watch? Twelve watch. Such much?
August 4th, 2.10: is watching Casablanca, thinking how time goes by, feeling quite sentimental and wondering what watch… 2am watch… Such much!
August 4th, 1.46: is watching Casablanca, crying to Casablanca
August 3rd, 23.38: is still taking her break. Still trying to get over her human disappointment and drinking… It helps!
August 3rd, 2.37: is taking a break. Needs to reboot and get rid of trash!
August 3rd, 2.27: has been let down not by 1, by 2, but by 3 people in less then 2 hours tonight. A bit tough to handle…
August 3rd, 2.10: is fed up! Why give if you don’t receive back? How to choose the right people? Learn to trust less…
August 3rd, 1.51: thinks it all may be just a make believe… isn’t it?
August 2nd, 14.33: thinks it's hard to find things since she lost you…
August 2nd, 12.22: wants to be in the desert. Some fruit, some water, a tent, her shoes, no phone, no stress
August 2nd, 0.46: was in bed. Was good. Was ready to sleep… Now up, dressed, heading to Castel. Where did the good resolutions go?
August 1st, 23.29: is already in bed…Yes, there is hope in sleep’a ville!
August 1st, 22.49: is sticking to the plan so far. Being fabulously boring and at home!
August 1st, 19.11: is staying home this Friday, not drinking, not smoking, not going to bed at 5am (well, to be confirmed) being boring and enjoying it!
August 1st, 12.46: is back… Don’t ask! Maybe she’ll tell… Maybe she won’t! Now she’s off… Don’t ask!
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