Mai 24th, 4.11: thinks it may be time to say goodnight and thinks E. and M. are fabulous (YSL and St Tropez included ;) Thanks boys
Mai 24th, 1.17: lost more than her brain tonight and is having a champagne fest past 1 am. Who needs sleep when you got bubbles and fabulous friends who come to keep you warm
Mai 22nd, 20.37: has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it
Mai 21st, 11.11: is watching "days of our lives" in a coffee shop / sushi shop / bakery / tobacco shop / oh mein gott!! Multitasking is the new monotasking!
Mai 20th, 15.08: is all about sun... What else? But really, what else
Mai 19th, 12.21: is dreaming about her childhood wave pool but feels a cocktail would be h
Mai 17th, 13.38: is sunbathing with champagne and cascaval
Mai 15th, 0.59: is off to a far away land with a reindeer, her gloss and golden sandals
Mai 14th, 15.41: and the reindeer are getting ready to take off
Mai 13th, 19.04: needs the manual
Mai 13th, 13: is on an adventure! Jumped on a train. Off at the end line and is all adventurous through trees, rocks and hills... Or optionally along the rails back home. Mark twain would have loved this!
Mai 13th, 7.55: thinks importance in the eye of the beloved is what peanut butter is to jam, cold temperature to coffee or you in your Levi's...
Mai 12th, 7.34: thinks we all need to have some faith in ourselves and our choices
Mai 11th, 11.09: thinks it’s better to see the face than to hear the name
Mai 11th, 1.27: thinks rain can be quite noisy. A head can be painful and a mind sometimes restless.. In short, a night can seem quite long when there is no sleep…
Mai 9th, 12.52: thinks this situation should not be repeated. We're going to have to clarify the process
Mai 9th, 10.45: will be putting on the little black dress today, a handsome man in a suit at her arm and off to the opera
Mai 8th, 23.39: thinks that when in doubt, make a fool of yourself. There is a microscopically thin line between being brilliantly creative and acting like the most gigantic idiot on earth. So what the hell, leap!
Mai 5th, 9.34: is gone!
Mai 5th, 6.30: is sleepless somewhere in the world. Get a map. You may need that to find her
Mai 4th, 12.56: is having lots of fun with mister snowman, until the other kids knock him down
Mai 4th, 1.48: can't sleep. Facebook can be an evil tool allowing some to gloat while others have nothing much to do other then read, try to ignore or turn it off completely… Is this the new modern way of shaking $ bills in front of a poor man's face?
Mai 4th, 0.09: thinks after night comes day
Mai 3rd, 2.08: thinks that night after night the moon and the champagne…
Mai 2nd, 17.06: thinks that day after day the sun…
Mai 2nd, 11.57: is wondering why people can't stay off it even when put in the middle of sharks. They will still find a way to get on it, yet give other things, such as their real life, less importance when they actually should be doing it the other way around. Real life with your people is your life. Facebook is just a mirage that won't bring you more nor real happiness
Mai 1st, 9.38: is out and about at early morning hours. One goes off to New York, the other is off to early breakfast in the sun… Mask free
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