January 30th, 11.02: thanks L. for concluding that her defective phones may be shutting down due to sms M/ stupidity. High Tech intelligence, trying to tell her she deserves better
January 30th, 0.21: is going to bed. The exciting life of an event organiser in bed before 1am. Sign of true fabulousness!
January 29th, 18.41: is laughing and crying out loud at the fact that she is tomorrow, again, exchanging her Nokia nr.7 to Nokia nr.8. Nr.7 lasted one whole day!!!
January 29th, 9.43: is going on strike and refusing to work!!! Isn’t that what French people do? She shares their country. She shares their food. May as well share their taste for strike!
January 29th, 0.26: is going to be a fabulous Princess at Castel on February 25th. Will you be there to hold her long black fabulous dress?
January 28th, 19.45: went from an overbooked agenda day to an empty one is less then 10 min. Why run if you can stand still and have a cocktail instead?
January 28th, 9.17: feared she wouldn’t sleep, didn’t think she'd dream, thinks she got enough material to write a script. Dramas, flying above it all. No wonders she’s tired!
January 28th, 00.48: can't sleep, can't concentrate on her book and wishes she could just… maybe just for a moment…
January 27th, 19.03: is about to fume at the Fumoir, a pink elephant by her side and several humans on the other
January 27th, 9.44: will be at the E-Marketing fair tomorrow pm. (with her yet another new cursed NOKIA mobile) if ever you see her pass by, stop and say hello
January 26th, 12.34: is going to live her life to the full, accept things as they come, nourish her friendships and believe she deserves each minute of it, compliment or sign of affection
Is wearing black…
January 22nd, 9.56: got the parental message of the "Please call. It can't be said over the phone"... She's been staring at the phone and can't make that call…
January 22nd, 5.21: thinks it's weird how sometimes people fly into your mind & get trapped in your thoughts. Shaking them off is as hard as growing a rose garden in your home
January 22nd, 3.03: is back and ready to try to sleep
January 22nd, 0.02: is having champagne, celebrating an engagement, going to Castel & feeling absolutely fabulous & happy! She really feels happy!
January 21st, 16.17: thinks a successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at him or her
January 21st, 9.15: is wondering, to run or not to run, that is the question… To seek motivation, that is the aim. To find it.. Would be a miracle!
January 21st, 2.09: has been out, has Obama'd, has improvised and loved it!
January 20th, 18.41: thinks that if "we can", she "will". And she will be doing just that tonight at Harry's Bar over Bloody Mary's and hot dogs
January 20th, 18.06: is loving it!!
January 20th, 17.32: is watching Bush leave the house and Obama come out and take over the world
January 20th, 10.42: is ready, her pom-pom’s ready and her little red dress for tonight’s Obama mania
January 20th, 2.13: had no training today, has no sleep and loosing faith… Not very positive despite all good resolutions. May tomorrow be a better day and human kind, wiser!
January 19th, 19.14: didn't have the force nor the power today but is soon having her cocktail
January 19th, 14: is aiming from 31min40 to 45min… May the force be with her
January 19th, 3: wants to lie down and just forget the world. Forget what we're taught before we get too old. See a garden that's bursting into life…
January 18th, 19.32: is exchanging her film session for sushi, cocktails and friends… Life could be worse…
January 18th, 15.58: is brunching against all sports recommendations. Wearing welly's out in the sun and drinking non-alcoholic cocktails. Having an absolutely fabulous Sunday
January 18th, 11.09: thinks if she concentrated hard enough on the coffee machine it would turn itself on? Clooney is a god, right? He should have the power to work his machines?
January 18th, 3.17: is aware it is past 3. Is aware she got home before 1 cause she was tired. Is aware she lost it somewhere on the way
January 18th, 1.21: had a fantastic day with rain, sun, art, shopping, cocktails, great company and a fabulous bus ride home back. One thing missing… a good slice of pizza!
January 17th, 11.26: is about to sing in the rain… lalalala. When you don't sleep well at night, get out early and sing in the rain. And if necessary, have eggs with champagne
January 17th, 10.03: is wondering why the little voices in her head are all yelling at her to get up. Voices don't do weekends?
January 17th, 1.58: is ashamed of the things some of those called "her own" are capable of doing. She condemns, yet she is deeply sorry…
January 17th, 1.16: can obviously not sleep on this Saturday morning at 1.17am. What else?
January 16th, 21.35: states that you’re truly fabulous when you can replace a fun night out socialising with a fabulous night in eating tofu and a book!
January 16th, 13.40: wonders why it is only to dramas that people react and not to happy updates lacking all sign of tragedy…
January 16th, 11.03: thinks that to change the outside world all you have to do is change the way you think and feel, and the law of attraction will photocopy the change. She thinks and feels fabulous!
January 16th, 9.17: has woken up too early to a fabulous day! But then why spoil a fabulous day with sleep if one cannot (spoil a fabulous day with sleep)
January 15th, 11.24: is taking a day off so read this, print this because after this there will be nothing for 24 hours (if you need her, she'll be at LE66 tonight)
January 15th, 0.09: is smelling a sunshine bouquet
January 14th, 15.43: ran 31min today and is about to lapse into a coma… But may do it with a bath, some bubbles and a glass of sparkly water
January 14th, 11.50: has woken up to a new day ready to go running and bite the day in its ass… If that is a possible concept
January 13th, 22.39: is wondering why some days are better then others and why today is so bad… Restlessness, boredom, disappointment, sadness all combined…
January 13th, 17.52: is having a weird day. Photo upload, memory of lost friends, of short hair. Bored, sad, disappointed, a bit hungry and no more eggs in the fridge
January 13th, 17.33: is bored
January 13th, 15.22: is Boney M’ing to “Sunny” on repeat and is glad no one can see her right now or she will probably lose her reputation, which ever that may be…
January 13th, 14.24: hates (her 6th) Nokia and starts to despise, but really, truly and sincerely, Orange!! Maybe she should consider going back to the yogurt and string phone!
January 13th, 10.58: has learned about Polar bears having dinner, senior people working in Europe, Gay people in Italy, the Pope and now, wishing she could sleep for a decade
January 13th, 2.23: is loosing hope on sleep. It's nearly 3am and is watching a random documentary about gays in Italy. God bless Arte. When are the Arte night sheep on?
January 13th, 2.07: is going insane! Can't sleep, is hungry, craving pizza and not allowed to eat (a human gremlin). Running out of options…
January 12th, 19.15: thinks the hardest task in a girl's life is to prove to a man that his intentions are serious
January 12th, 17.14: can’t walk, can’t stand, can’t move. Why can’t sports come in tubes to swallow.
January 12th, 14.22: is waiting for coach to kill her abs, legs & co till she can carry no more but her little head
January 12th, 1.30: wonders if it's because she slept all day that she can't sleep now? She has no more sheep to count. Maybe it's time to start on the pixels
January 11th, 9.48: can't sleep & so is going to the 1st session of "Twilight" on this Sunday morning. Why stay in bed if you can go see a vampire Romeo fall for a vampire Juliette
January 11th, 8.58: thinks that when something is on her mind that makes her wake up 20 times a night, it's time to remove it and move on! Now… How the hell does that work?
January 10th, 19.27: has been testing her resistance to cold all day. Needs a heating system while out... and may just have an idea on the subject…
January 10th, 13: got home at past 1am. Went to bed at past 5am. Still can't quite figure out what happened there…
January 10th, 1.57: loved her champagne with bubbles tonight!! Made her feel fabulous and forget all the rest… As much as that was possible
January 9th, 7.28: is thinking, rethinking, analysing, over analysing and wondering what she's doing wrong and at what exact point. It's too early for this thinking…
January 8th, 20.19: is fed up making the same mistakes over and over again, falling for the same lines over and over again… At what age does one grow up? Does one ever?
January 8th, 13.49: thinks that if you wish to know the mind of a man, listen to his words…
January 8th, 12.39: stayed up late, woke up late, is doing things slowly and will be a turtle for the rest of the day... Great day to turtle’ise on
January 8th, 0.22: is daydreaming in front of her computer. Her mind has wondered off across borders and down South’ish where it is warm(er) and sunny
January 7th, 19.07: admits, she’s been visiting the salon for wash/dry hair help since her hair disaster and today, got adventurous on her own. Question, can you sue a hairdresser?
January 7th, 10.41: is lacking sleep… Again. Whoever crosses her way today, if you want to be safe, better tell her "you look great!". Lie if you have to. God will forgive
January 6th, 19.33: is tidying, is receiving, and is cooking
January 5th, 22.30: wants to put her head underground for just a little while and pretend nothing that has happened tonight has happened. In need of cocktails!!! Lots!
January 5th, 17.10: thinks you’ve got to stand for something or you’ll fall for anything
January 5th, 13.45: is going out to buy some carrots and make a snowman
January 5th, 10.37: can only blame L. for being so exhausted! Shame on you!
January 5th, 2.39: thinks it's time to maybe, but just maybe, go to bed. Coach is coming in early morning and she promised she'll greet him 'Rocky' style!
January 4th, 17.20: is Rudolf the short haired raindeer
January 4th, 0.24: got a very bad hair cut from a stranger hairdresser, cried over it, got drunk over it and now dreading to wake up tomorrow over it
January 3rd, 15.45: has sexy dog-torn tights, hair pooled up, ray ban's on, totally punk rock bum style
January 3rd, 10.40: was dragged out of bed by a hungry cat who wanted boiled fish. There's nothing like boiled fish in the early morning hours…
January 3rd, 0.03: wonders if someone remembers what the word peace means! Bullets, blood, death, hate, conflict… This seems to be all people know. Will they ever learn better?
January 2nd, 22.27: didn't choose her religion, didn't choose her origin, but she chose your eyes…
January 2nd, 21.07: is about to get all emotional with "Mauvaise Foi". The past is haunting her still... Why do they make it hard for us to live out what we want to?...
January 2nd, 1.03: did the Desperate H. marathon and is now hoping for a good sleep marathonial night, flue free, easy breathing and all that goes with
January 1st, 23.25: has been watching Desperate Housewives since... as early in the day as she can remember. Sick new year day's been great!
January 1st, 20.51: is in love with Canal+ and their full day of Desperate Housewives Season 4. It couldn't have come on a better day!
January 1st, 17.51: has been spending her first day of the year in bed watching desperate housewives, drinking tea and mouching. Could be worse
January 1st, 12.12: promised her grandmother this would be the year and is now looking for a husband... Are you available?
January 1st, 11.28: is in bed with a cold. It's official. And happy new year to you too says Sandra and her tissue box
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