April 30th, 9.15: would chain you to the radiator if she could but she has to face it, she can't… All that in the name of peanut butter
April 29th, 17.32: has nothing to say and even if she did, she wouldn’t say it!
April 29th, 14.50: est sur un escalator, regarde droit devant et se voit monter vers son avenir…
April 29th, 10: says you are too concerned with what was and what will be. There's a saying: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it is called the present”
April 29th, 0.20: is holding the sword of Heroes said to be so sharp you can get cut just by looking at - Ow!
April 28th, 0.37: will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it
April 26th - 27th, 23.20: believes in Santa Claus
April 25th, 13.03: part en voyage tous les jours
April 25th, 12.54: is out getting a life with the rest of them
April 25th, 11.35: wants a pain au chocolat home delivery and George to bring her coffee please
April 25th, 2.31: loves her cheeseburger at the pub past 2am. Better then pizza… Honestly…
April 24th, 19.55: wants to make you laugh by acting like the guy who sings
April 23rd, 22.50: wants to be the cute Irish guy who sings all the time
April 23rd, 20.53: thinks life is like pizza. When it’s good, it’s really good. When it’s bad, it’s still pretty good
April 23rd, 18.23: is heading home to see if the flood has reached a reasonable level for her to take her swim suit out… Oy vey!
April 23rd, 12.34: is swimming, diving, drying and going mad.. Ach!!!!!
April 23rd, 9.30: is wondering why the hell she can't come back to her flat without finding a flood in a room or another. Is anyone in her syndic ever working? Now what?? She's not a plumber merde and the water won't stop flowing!!
April 23rd, 8.27: may or may not update her status today. Life is like a Francaise des jeux day. You don't know if you will come out a 2€ winner, a millionaire or just penny less and frustrated with no change for coffee
April 23rd, 0.23: thanks you for making her return a smooth, sweet and pink one ;)
April 22nd, 19.17: likes it that a bottle of champagne is waiting for her line 13
April 22nd, 12.28: "feels like you're an island of reality in an ocean of diarreha"
April 22nd, 11.30: is by the pond, alone with the gorgeous swan. It's so peaceful and quiet.. Feels far from the messy world out there
April 21st, 19.47: is cooking with her wine glass in hand and quite enjoying it. So retro of her
April 21st, 18.38: is about to cook again. Mein gott oh gott
April 21st, 14.14: is among mountain shoes, outdoor clothing, portable showers and sinks, high tech MBS skate boards, running gear and a hell of a waiting line
April 21st, 12.01: is wondering, how do you know which of the podium stands you get to stand on.. Can people make you feel less important than they actually consider you to be by acting, or not, in certain ways… Why are we so touchy about these things?...
April 21st, 9.27: is wondering what the kitchen holds for her today. After dessert, what will come. She should seriously invest in an apron. This is business
April 20th, 16.41: has just made dessert... Mon dieu !!
April 20th, 12.38: is almost out and about with a sudden urge to bake a cake… Ach mein gott !
April 20th, 8.09: is up before her time. Give her a laptop, some coffee, lots of documents and work
April 19th, 21.35: went for a mini me run under rain and darkness… Vive Clermont
April 19th, 16.05: is making room…
April 18th, 19.03: is Saturday night in Clermont. Aren't you?
April 18th, 12.10: is all about football, laundry, pumpkin soup, hiking-something-shoe testing, food Market, neighbour chat and patiently waiting for the sun
April 18th, 8.54: is up early in Clermont city listening to birds sing on rooftops and a snore coming from the inside… Quite a lively Saturday
April 17th: 13.22: wonders if it ever gets warm in Clermont city. Maybe a warm-up party should be seriously considered… Clermont people, say "I"
April 16th, 15: likes to be cheesy and so what...
April 14th, 15th: Break
April 13th, 13.08: likes the sun above her head hoping it will warm up all that she touches...
April 13th, 12.12: Ran in the mud, under the trees and the birds, side by side with her running buddy and contemplated all those boys playing ball
April 13th, 10.03: needs a punching ball. Sadly she does not have one. She does have E. though who managed to motivate her sad little ass to go running and who's coming to make sure she will too! Respect to thee!
April 12th, 8.36: is a raging bull!
April 11th, 19.54: wants to marry 'Mamie Nova' !!... Or maybe just get adopted by her if it's easier and eat her desserts every day for the rest of her life!
April 11th, 11.21: is thanking for the messages and reassuring all that she is just fine and yes, her status is empty on purpose and no, it is no FB bug. Sometimes there just aren't things to say or ways to say it...
April 10th, 13.13: is going to live her life outdoors, smile at strangers, at the sun & at who ever wants to & have an ice cream. Irritation goes away with fudge ice cream & boomerang smiles. A known fact! If that doesn't work, she'll think of other options with corks on them or take a day trip to the country side where the cows go moo & high tech devices have no reception! "Live your life & stop thinking". That's exactly the plan!
April 10th, 0.06: thinks a free hug and a deep kiss can be more powerful than Valium.
April 9th, 18.57: thinks sometimes silence is deafening
April 9th, 16.32: thinks a free hug and a deep kiss can be more powerful than Valium
April 9th, 10.37: thinks a kind word is like a Spring day... Let it be Spring!
April 8th, 20.34: thinks that when a woman sometimes acts like a nut head, don't hold it against her... Turn your back to her for 10 min, let her cool down, then turn back and take her in your arms
April 8th, 13.44: has found a good reason to be sick at home. Is watching "Awakenings" and tissue box is already near so that's a good thing!
April 8th, 11.43: just got a message that turned her grey day into bright pink : "I love reading your status comments....it's part of my daily routine along with the paper.....read the news for what's happening around the world, read Sandra's post for a translation of what's really happening"... Thanks M. :)
April 7th, 23.06: wonders why people sometimes do what they, themselves, don't like to be done to them...
April 7th, 9.25: is wishing Gertrude Baines a very happy birthday! May she blow her 116th candle and as she says, be around to vote for Obama in 2012
April 7th, 8.33: is AdTech or not AdTech? Is it the place to see and be seen? What do you reckon?
April 7th, 1.45: wants to be happy time au Fleur d'oranger, jump in puddles, have her stomach tickled by her man on a roof topnand do all sorts of silly stuff that look great on screen
April 7th, 0.27: is drinking champagne under a blue umbrella
April 6th, 15.36: is wondering why it gets harder each time...
April 6th, 8.09: thinks coming to Clermont is like having a Facebook blackout. No status updates nor activity since Friday. Better than a 24 hour turn-off. 22•c out and no will to head back to the land of the 6am boiled fish
April 4th – 5th: time off
April 3rd, 10.22: is back after 24 hours off. There is survival! Had time to land in Nervers before heading to Bibendum land. Tires, tires oh tires
April 2nd, 10.18: is going off Facebook for 24 hours. Starting now, 10.18 till Friday, 10.18. Less computer, more real life
April 2nd, 9.15: is waking up in all the wrong ways…
April 2nd, 0.23: is preparing the Kiboutz Pyrénées of the summer
April 1st, 17.59: is feeling restless, joyful, sorrowful, turbulent. Trying to control her mind is like trying to tame the wind
April 1st, 13.50: is looking at the blue sky, admiring the moon playing with the sun. Looking at those small white dots flying across the sky, wishing she would be on one of them. No matter the destination
April 1st, 12.15: thinks let us be thankful for the fools. But for them the rest of us could not succeed
April 1st, 12.02: thinks sooner or later we must all grow up. No one knows this better than the young