March 31st, 20.44: is sad to be here…
March 31st, 17.36: is looking at cows and trying to think clearly
March 31st, 15.14: is kind of growing into it and it’s sort of growing onto her… Is there a pill to stop it or is this how it’s supposed to be?
March 31st, 10.09: is wondering, if a train can decide to go on strike and not run, can people go on a strike and not get on it?
March 30th, 17.57: is having a fabulous glass of Sancerre (official drinking hour: 17.15) in a funky gay bar in Clermont. Number of customers: 1
March 30th, 8.09: is waking up to mountains instead of an Eiffel. To silence instead of noise and to something else instead of something
March 29th, 2.16: can’t really allow herself to update her Facebook status, so she simply won’t!
March 28th, 9.46: is waiting for her warm croissant and its delivery boy… Both same temperature
March 28th, 1.54: has nothing to say… Really, nothing to say!
March 28th, 1.02: thinks the country side is a haven for sleep, relaxation and alcoholic rehab
March 27th, 12.55: needed the sleep. Dare she say she’s still in it? Must be the jazz. Or the country side, also known as the tire-effect
March 26th, 17.49: is in a train full of tourists. Or is she one? Comptoirs des Cotonniers is warming her legs. Barcelona scarf around her neck. Kinder her sweet and Death Cab her lullaby
March 26th, 9.09: is waking up to a world of Brit Bacon sandwich and Canadian peanut butter, Australian coffee on an endless beach while waving at blond wavy haired surfers and swinging on a tire
March 25th, 23.10: is in the Marais about to have an Espresso cake and talking male chest hair and moving to Australia
March 25th, 16.39: is partly on but still backing off…
March 24th, 23.03: is off!
March 24th, 15.22: is in love with the FNAC guy who fixed her computer (no offense darling O.) All she needs now is to find a way to get back into her house and pick up her life as she left it last nigh
March 24th, 14.05: has no computer and no home. Keys stayed on the inside while she’s standing stupidly on the outside. At least it’s sunny out… Right?
March 24th, 9.46: is temporarily out of (Web) Business…
March 24th, 9.09: is about to get up and give her laptop a final mouth to mouth before calling 911
March 24th, 1.45: is thinking about her delirious laptop. Her grocery shopping with Charles Aznavour. Drinking lemon juice with honey at 2am and seeking sleep. Seen it?
March 23rd, 21.14: has a dead computer that won’t start. Any IT geek out there who can save her life? Window won’t start and the black screen keep popping up
March 23rd, 18.51: has been told that even on bad days there’s always something good. So, what’s good today?
March 23rd, 18.06: is sick and tired of being sick and tired!
March 23rd, 11.08: is up but quite twisted. Room Service please!
March 23rd, 2.23: still can’t sleep. Still coughing. Still deaf. Did Bond, did Italian film and now doing La Nouvele Star. Help…
March 23rd, 0.30: is in bed since 20.30 with an achy ear and what feels like a cut through stomach. Nap taken, 007 entertainment, now what?
March 22nd, 11.36: thinks 4 days of pollution and social activity are all right if followed by 5 days of mountains, calm, sunsets, tires (running?)
March 22nd, 11.06: is sad we’re Sunday and will enjoy it to the fill and beyond!
March 21st, 13.25: is glad we’re today and will enjoy it to the full and beyond!
March 20th, 21.25: wants to fast forward to tomorrow midday and skip today…
March 20th, 13.01: thinks without tact you can learn nothing…
March 20th, 9.04: doesn’t want to get up…
March 20th, 1.22: wanted to start clean. AJAX kind of clean. The minor dust could have been shoved under the rug for some time before being scattered in the air…
March 20th, 1.01: got to think about the x-factor. In math, we learn that x stands for the unknown, a+b=x, but what's really unknown is what+what=friendship with an x
March 19th, 17.28: will be taking two finger-bowls of champagne, and the scene will change before her eyes into something significant, elemental, and profound
March 19th, 10.28: is quoting: "No matter what they wish for, no matter how far they go, people can never be anything but themselves. That's all."… And that’s already beautiful!
March 18th, 23.56: is letting you know the tea pot is on, the cups are waiting, Favourite chairs anticipating, No matter what I have to do, My friend there's always time for you…
March 18th, 14.18: is quoting: "The answer is dreams. Dreaming on and on. Entering the world of dreams and never coming out. Living in dreams for the rest of time."
March 18th, 13.16: is trying to take one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack her at once
March 17th, 23.08: thinks her future, is always beginning now…
March 17th, 21.22: thinks there are times when silence has the loudest voice. It screams so loud you actually need to cover up your ears and stay away!
March 17th, 21.12: is thanking you all for the pokes… Too many of them to poke back. However, the message came through to the poker and she’s now a happy pokey.
March 17th, 18.55: is sad because she’s not being poked by her favourite poker any longer… Poke, poker, pokons
March 17th, 17.11: is cooking a birthday meal for her parents, knowing dad will open up his presents and say “oh great! Love it! Sorry, already have it!”
March 17th, 9.30: thinks life is like a rainbow. You basically need both the sun and the rain to make its colours appear… Just like Chinese sweet & sour food really
March 16th, 23.25: is anticipating!… And optionally going to sleep
March 15th, 14.45: thinks go with the flow and happiness will stick to you like a bug on a fast lane car… Really. It works! And when you will feel low, kiss and make it better
March 15th, 9.59: is wondering. When people claim to be off something but keep being on it. Claim to be on something but seem to be off it… What does that leave us with?
March 15th, 4.24: is wondering what it’s like to be a turtle… Don’t you ever wonder what it would be like to be a turtle at 4.30am?
March 15th, 2.22: may need a good reason to leave this…Big dogs, a fire place, flat screen, plenty of tile and so much sky she’s rediscovering starts. Al times, basics are good!
March 15th, 0.27: would love a doudou by the fireplace with the dogs by her side. Maybe eBay can provide her with that…
March 14th, 23.46: us getting used to the country side (Thanks Alex) Why go back to the city when you’re surrounded by so much beauty and calm
March 14th, 17.04: didn’t make it to Barcelona because of lousy organizational skills, but god knows she’ll make it to the country tonight or shame on her!
March 13th, 19.30: thinks there’s no half singing in the shower, you’re either a rock star or an opera diva!
March 13th, 18.12: thinks every time she goes and showers, she assumes there’s someone else on the planet showering. So she says, I’m gonna go shower now too
March 13th, 2.53: “what’s on my mind?”… Trust me, it would be too much inspiration even for Woody Allen
March 12th, 18.24: may go visit the monks this weekend with her welly’s, book, ‘Elle’ and a 2 days silence vow. Or just sit on a bridge and pretend to be her own shadow
March 12th, 10.23: is not quite sure what foot to dance on today so she'll just sit down, stop moving them and try on fabulous-mood-lifting shoes
March 12th, 1.04: thinks you shouldn't go around saying the world owes you a living; the world owes you nothing; it was here first!
March 11th, 19.12: is at the Meridien being all asmallworld'y with champagne. Are you?
March 11th, 18.04: is going pink and curly…
March 11th, 17.18: thinks that for every minute spent in organizing, an hour is earned. How many days can she win?
March 11th, 0.36: thinks communication is depositing a part of yourself in another person… She’d like to open an account please
March 10th, 8.57: is not that keen to leave her countryside and tire testing routes. There's a crazy charm to it Paris does not know of and Spiderman will not be the same elsewhere
March 9th, 13.56: is thinking Commencement: "the end of one thing, the beginning of another
March 8th, 22.23: thinks "there's a bit of magic in everything, and some loss to even things out
March 8th, 22.01: thinks we cannot direct the winds but we can adjust the sails…
March 8th, 21.26: has nothing to say but that she wishes she could make things better for some people and bring back their smile
March 8th, 12.29: simply is…
March 7th, 15.03: knows she can't change certain situations & some things are beyond her control, although she wishes she could…
March 6th, 9.37: thinks a mini-break is what you take when you can no longer take what you've been taking and feel the need to see Michelin test its tires
March 6th, 0.30: is wondering how a day can turn so sour… Blamed, refused by taxis, metros missed, "bitched" by junkies, no dinner & her bed out of reach
March 5th, 9.11: is up and getting ready for tonight’s Fashion Party @ LE66.. Are you coming?
March 5th, 2.59: is going to sleep, now that the power is back on. Time to switch off
March 5th, 2.28: can't sleep, that's a given, but is more seriously stuck with no electricity. Seems the 16th is out of power…
March 4th, 21.49: is taking the advice of a wise man who told her, "turn your computer off and go to bed!"
March 4th, 18.46: is standing under imaginary sun
March 4th, 15.47: is in no mood! Starving but can't eat. Wanting and can't have. Talking, can barely. Smoking and can't do
March 4th, 15.05: thinks the king is gone but he's not forgotten
March 4th, 12.53: won't say ahhh and let the drill work unless she gets a lolipop after she's been brave
March 4th, 9.09: is singing in the rain with her welly boots on and yellow submarine
March 4th, 1.03: thinks at times one should stop asking questions, accept that things don't only happen to others & take it with a smile & less fright
March 3rd, 18.49: is craving a good massage, champagne, some 'Life of Brian' and the little White man.. Will she get it all? She's a princess after all!
March 3rd, 12.49: 's heart is balancing between sushi, risotto or a DVD champagne night in with tire man
March 3rd, 9.31: thinks she should get up. When you want the sun to shine on your face for the rest of the day, you want your day to start as soon as possible!
March 3rd, 1.58: knows she should be in bed at this time but do we always do what we know we should be doing? Preparing for LE66 Thursday & her Michelin tire change for the w/e
March 2nd, 19.33: thinks that even if there is nothing to laugh about, laugh on credit
March 2nd, 14: is 5 min away from (if survival there will be) an hour long run with coach
March 2nd, 12.50: feels like sprinkling her fairy dust after (finally) an over 10h sleep night. Sleep makes the world a better place to live in!
March 1st, 22.37: thinks one aspect of serendipity to bear in mind is that you have to be looking for something in order to find something else
Mars 1st, 19.57: had a fantastic weekend and ended it well with a fabulous hot dog