February 27th, 23.01: is having champagne. Waiting for Michelin and celebrating a birthday. Perfect ending to a cow day out
February 27th, 11.15: is standing in the freezing cold ready to hop on those cows. What won't she so in the name of cows and agriculture
February 27th, 9.04: wants to lie here and just forget the world
February 26th, 21.28: thinks it’s more important in life to feel strong, not necessarily be strong. To find yourself at least once in the most ancient of human conditions
February 26th, 20.02: keeps coming back to you in her head, but you couldn't know that, and she has no carbons
February 26th, 15.58: is about to face her second.. Or recently maybe the 3rd biggest fear of her life…
February 26th, 12.43: is working hard, trying not to think and having an Oreo
February 26th, 9.40: had a lovely time at the Castle. Put down her crown and will be attending to her normal-people duties now no matter how hard that may seem to be
February 25th, 21.24: had 20 min to turn from pumpkin to princess. Turning from a man to penguin in the morning takes longer than that…
February 25th, 18.46: is on the train heading to her Castle at Castel wearing her tiara and long princess gown. Where will her prince be tonight?
February 25th, 16.46: wonders why the French system never imposes a strike on you when it is convenient to you. Like now… A train strike would have been lovely. Bad for the economy but great for the soul!
February 25th, 10.48: is preparing for her princess night at Castel. She may be tired tomorrow and in need of a tire change and some cathedral bells
February 24th, 19.32: is wearing a Michelin shirt. Drinking Michelin champagne. Having French cheese and waiting for Michelin delivery…
February 24th, 14.38: is walking in the footsteps of Michelin. Is cold and is smiling on her own again
February 24th, 7.17: is waking up slowly in the countryside. Birds. General silence and a glass of champagne by her side. The city gal touch
February 23rd, 9.55: is going to visit Mr. Michelin. Her childhood hero! Back in time for her PRINCESS night at Castel Wednesday! Don't miss her coronation!!
February 23rd, 7.45: is wondering who invented the concept of sleep since clarins came up with the products to make belief you had a restful night
February 22nd, 23: thinks "against all odds" was the right term to use. What's the point in going to bed before 9 if by 11 she's still awake. Bless the sleeping pill cause…
February 22nd, 20.24: has packed, what probably is, her lightest bag ever, and now, against all odds, getting into bed hoping to shut down the system by 9pm
February 22nd, 11.11: thinks that when people shake their heads cause we live in a restless age, ask them how they would like to live in a stationary one and do without change
February 22nd, 8.17: thinks she may need to go into a sleeping rehab
February 22nd, 1.41: thinks life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you're gonna get… Is pizza included?
February 22nd, 1.14: flipped out some, acted crazy some, drank some, sneezed some and now going to sleep some a lot!
February 21st, 18.33: thinks that when you trust your enthusiasm, you give power to your enthusiasm, so, it would probably just be best to stay right there and enjoy it!!!
February 21st, 14.42: thinks that when you doubt your power, you give power to your doubt, so, it would probably be best to stay away from doubt and go shopping instead
February 20th, 21.44: is in the Marais enjoying friends & it keeps on coming but her mind is in the south where the temperature is 17•c & the shirts are bright & jolly
February 20th, 15.23: is going out (in pink) to have a (blue) coffee wearing a (red) smile
February 20th, 10.07: is up and looking at a fabulous day ahead of her. What is she going to wear?
February 20th, 1.13: thinks we fluctuate long between love and hatred before we can arrive at tranquillity
February 19th, 17.34: has at least a week's sleep to catch up on. Maybe she should consider packing a small bag and going somewhere country'sidy south of Paris
February 19th, 6.22: is up again since oh too soon!… Sleepless in Paris is bloody annoying business
February 19th, 1.39: is bubbly, is happy and had nothing to add
February 18th, 10.53: wants mirrors on the ceiling and pink champagne on ice, but until then she'll settle for coffee and pink thoughts!
February 18th, 7.45: is thinking about the end of the week and is excited like a kid preparing to go on vacation
February 18th, 0.20: is going back to the corner where she 1st saw you. Gonna camp in her sleeping bag, she's not gonna move. Got some words on cardboard, got your picture in hand
February 17th, 20.29: thinks it’s been a long time since she drank champagne. Tonight she may just do something about that!
February 17th, 18.02: thinks that when you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it!
February 17th, 10.38: thinks that if happiness is a form of courage, she's Chief Sitting Bull!
February 17th, 2: can't sleep... She feels lots of things, and none of them related to sleep…
February 16th, 16.53: is wondering if this is how you feel when you get what you thought you didn’t deserve for a long time
February 16th, 11.47: is feeling restless. Her mind is wondering in various directions and she does not know where to begin… It's quite delicious
February 16th, 1.36: can’t sleep and is not even tired. Maybe she could take a night train down South and wake up with the sun and a smile
February 15th, 2.37: is sharing the Anti-Valentine night : http://tinyurl.com/bxyxyv
February 15th, 2.29: is considering going to bed… It's half past 2am. 'Considering' is good considering
February 15th, 0.16: needs a foot massage, a back rub, a hot cup of tea, a free hug and a box of tissues
February 14th, 20.10: had a day of sun, of warm words, warm thoughts and one hell of a boiling coffee
February 14th, 12.53: is sometimes confused by what she think is really obvious. But what she think is really obvious obviously isn't obvious…
February 14th, 10.38: thinks she may be too good. Is there such a thing as too good? What is good? What is bad? Maybe it's best to sleep on it a bit longer…
February 14th, 3.04: is thanking everyone for making the Anti-Valentine night at the Alcazar & the Cognac night at the Purple Club a fabulous night!! Friday 13 is a lucky number
February 13th, 19.01: is going to face her Friday 13th destiny! She can't hide, no place to hide
February 13th, 10.16: is having a tough time getting up… Today is a day to sin. Be bold fabulous and sexy and join the Anti Valentine movement tonight at the Alcazar
February 13th, 1.38: had a fabulous time with aSW, Tudor and loves the pillow she brought back
February 12th, 17.30: is off to ride dromedaries in the city then rest her feet in the cold 104 with bubbly glasses in her hand
February 12th, 1.23: is wondering how her mother managed to "forget" to inform her, her uncle died over a year ago. She lost 2 in less than a month. No wonder she can't sleep…
February 12th, 0.30: got home later then planned. Missed her good night chat and now is going to sleep... or at least try to!
February 11th, 15.34: refused to go running and endured a killing sessions instead!
February 11th, 9.45: is dressed and ready to go ballroom dancing with the pillow mark still on her cheek. You may think it’s a joke but ballroom dancing is truly on the menu
February 11th, 1.03: is in bed and is hoping to sleep… Although not really sleepy… Busy bees need energy to buzz around
February 10th, 23.53: had a long distance film, tea and football night and had a great time!
February 10th, 16.48: has decided to give up technology, swap the iPhone/Nokia for a yogurt pot, her stilettos for welly's, pick apples in trees and get goats for cheese
February 10th, 10.07: downloaded a Jap app on her iPhone and can't find it in her Jap keyboard setting… Why oh why oh why
February 10th, 9.22: needs a crane or some tough bullies to come lift her out of bed…
February 10th, 3.31: really doesn't like the storm…
February 10th, 2.29: is not a big fan of storms and admits she may be just a little bit restless while the winds are blowing and keep opening her living room window… Hopes to…
February 10th, 0.50: is an expert in bridal dresses, bridal cakes, table placing and bridal “co.uk” tip sites! God save the bride!
February 9th, 12.10: is starting a new day. A storm is approaching… Is there someone up there trying to tell her something?
February 9th, 1.51: is wondering if going back out on a Sunday night at 2 am is a smart move… Although tidying up a flat at that same time is probably not a better one
February 9th, 00.39: is listening to Sinatra and thinks it's not going to stop till you wise up…
February 9th, 00.23: wants to run to the mountains and hide with the sheep
February 8th, 17.34: is off to the Fumoir for a Sunday drink. Highly recommended for a good start of the week
February 8th, 14.28: is having coffee. One baby step at a time
February 8th, 12.57: has opened her eyes but can she move?
February 8th, 1.43: is so terribly tired and behind schedule on sleep that she can simply, well, not sleep…
February 7th, 22.40: is wondering, you think that at some point you learn but then realise you keep doing the same mistake over & over again. Is it a curse or simple stupidity?
February 7th, 8.19: is up since far too early and far too drunk (still) ready to go wed a friend. No time to sober up in the 3 little hours of sleep. One tough wedding coming up
February 6th, 19.68: is off to celebrate a friend and smell of fire grilled fabulous steak
February 6th, 9.51: thinks the chateau idea is a great one. Getting a chateau, opening a wine bar bookstore, entertaining the village, treating the village, marketing the…
February 6th, 9.30: needs to get up and do important things and won't stop until Sunday. So many things, so little time. Keep that champagne coming
February 6th, 4.08: is back home from a fabulous evening with fabulous people at a ridiculous hour in the morning for a Thursday night but then again, if not now, when then?
February 5th, 2.19: is in bed playing with her iPhone. You advised it, she got it, now she'll probably be hooked on it for some time. You brought this upon her
February 4th, 18.08: is off to wear her crown, pose and smile, drink champagne and be royalty for the night
February 4th, 17.57: is starting to think one needs an MBA in iPhone synchronising!
February 4th, 1.04: is feeling lonely tonight… Maybe that's what's bothering her
February 4th, 1: needs to shake that thought out of her mind! It's driving her mad! Watching a depressive Swedish film instead on Fr3. They sure know how to divert a mind
February 4th, 0.03: is wondering a) why can't she sleep? b) Why does she always think of the (so maybe be) wrong person? c) Why is she carving pizza after a chicken Caesar salad?
February 4th, 0.12: is back home, pretending to be drunk… But just a little tipsy and smiley… Aren't we all? Shouldn't we all?
February 3rd 11.29: got her iPhone! Will be unavailable for the next week for all (unless you make her an offer she won't be able to refuse). Toys come first!!!
February 2nd, 22.56: is finally in bed after folding the empire of cloths piled up on her bed. Time to catch up on last night's insomniac travel
February 2nd, 18.55: managed to burn her arm with an overheated iron… 4 hours sleep and look what it makes you do? Que des bĂȘtises!!
February 2nd, 10.56: is a fabulous zombie admiring the snow/rain/mud outside and fighting not to close her eyes! 2 coffees, 1 hour… priceless
February 2nd, 9.12: is thrilled. She slept for 4 whole hours. Great. Coach Bastien will be happy & if she keeps away for her RV she'll award herself with 10-hour sleep next time
February 2nd, 3.14: can't sleep & thinks there may be ghosts in the room preventing her from sleeping. Each time she shuts her eyes, she sees a bright light… Grandma, is that you?
February 2nd, 1.50: is still up, still on the sofa not even making a small effort to sleep. Not in pj, not in bed, no tea or warm milk beside her. Only laptop, ER on TV and wide awake
February 2nd, 1.11: is up, can’t sleep and fantasizing about her iPhone to come (don’t dare commenting “iPhone sucks” or else…) and all she will do on it! Exchange an addiction for another
February 1st, 22.54: thinks ordering the iPhone was an easy task. Choosing a new mobile plan is worst than doing taxes! Origami? iPhone plan? Intl add on? More sms? Scheisse!
February 1st, 16.15: has gathered energy and enjoying a Fumoir tea. Sunday hang over pleasures. Wishing upon a cake but coach Bastien won't be happy
February 1st, 12.07: is trying very hard to leave bed but hasn't found the formula yet