December 31st, 16.51: is a few hours away from champagne, fireworks, showing her ID to leave / get back home (true story) & still feels ill'ish. This wasn't meant to happen! Scheisse
December 31st, 9.08: thought she was better than that, stronger than that… But ends up she isn't. She caught a cold on New Year day. Meds overdose and sleep today!
December 30th, 23.35: has a hard time breathing tonight… Her chest is shutting up. Hopefully 2009 will open it up
December 30th, 21.31: wants to start the year in a "Bed of Roses" script. If it worked for Hollywood, it could work for her… Right?
December 30th, 19.59: gets emotional every end of year and feels it coming… Needs a free hug. Hugs on sale?
December 30th, 19.18: had a nice day in her nice welly's, with her nice friend and with the cat. Yes, it's cat-sitting time again. Boiled fish before morning coffee and all that goes with
December 30th, 11.01: is cold and lacking motivation. No sun. No mood. No mood… Watch out for the claws
December 30th, 00.49: is back and turning off. Will someone buy her a miniature running machine so she can do her thing till the skies get warmer?
December 29th, 18.01: loves the sun but hates the cold… How did she even make it in Sweden? She seems to have very short memory when it comes to that
December 29th, 10.49: has a lot of will but the weatherman is against her. Will the leopard man be as well she wonders…
December 29th, 1.21: is having that late night can't-sleep itch again. Thoughts are like a bad cold. They hit you the strongest at night when you least need it
December 28th, 21.34: thinks Blake Edwards must have been in another wicked mood the day he made "The Party" and saved that of the nation the day he screened it
December 28th, 20.53: had a preview this afternoon of life without Facebook. What was life before cell phones and Facebook?
December 28th, 13.02: didn’t wake up late. At all. She simply woke up Sunday time
December 28th, 02.57: went. Met. Talked. Drank. Now returned. 'Slept'
December 27th, 22.27: was given the motivation and is now about to act upon it! Goodbye heat, hello Siberia and champagne!
December 27th, 20.57: is asking herself, Madam or pas Madam… Staying in or pas staying in… With this Siberian weather, what is the motivational secret?
December 27th, 15.12: has Power Plate'd, Fnac'd, lunched, avoided shopping and now wondering if to go out into this Siberian cold again or stay in watch silly Xmas TV films
December 27th, 8.32: is wondering why her stupid concierge feels the need to vacuum and wash his old ugly car every bloody weekend at 8am right outside her window
December 26th, 23.18: singing along to Israeli channuka songs she hasn't heard in years & years on Israeli TV. She used to be young & know this stuff, now she's a rebel with a cause!
December 26th, 20.08: just spent 1h58min with Orange on the phone. Started at scratch, ended up at scratch. Totally incompetent and she is the one to pay the 1h58min communication
December 26th, 11.45: thinks it may be an insignificant step for human kind but a huge step for her and her running shoes! She saw the statue and then came back!
December 26th, 10.55: woke up late (so what!) put her jogging on before coffee. Having coffee and off to run. Has no choice. Is dressed for the part. Mazel tov!
December 25th, 22.42: thinks Blake Edwards must have been in a wicked mood the day he made "Victor Victoria" and saved that of the nation the day he screened it
December 25th, 21.02: thinks it is on days like these when you really realise…
December 25th, 17.25: wishes she could grow Rudolph legs, Rudolph ears and fly away. Till then she’ll take her own legs, walk around Paris on this Xmas day and have a fabulous cocktail
December 25th, 10: wishes she could grow 2 more legs, a cute red button nose, be called Rudolph & run through the prairies. If that's what it takes to run then Rudolph she'll be
December 25th, 1.13: won't be thinking, looking, tasting food for the next days. Thanks for not mentioning it. It's now Alice in Wonderland time… Literally
December 24th, 19: won’t ask for much this xmas. She won’t even wish for snow. She’s just gonna keep on waiting underneath the mistletoe…
December 24th, 10.30: is wishing you all a MERRY XMAS and don't over due it at dinner time or she probably won't be seeing you for a while and then she'll be sad…
December 23rd, 23.06: is asking; when you come through a worthless FB status, do you actually read it or pass on to something more entertaining? Why read stupid when you can read smart
December 23rd, 19.56: thinks the more she thinks about the Fighting-insomnia Sleeping Calendar, the more she likes the idea
December 23rd, 2.35: is in bed watching 'Calendar Girls' and loosing sleep by the minute… Maybe she should shoot an Sleeping Calendar and fight insomnia
December 22nd, 14.25: has been too busy dating imbeciles. Maybe 2009 is the time to stop the imbecilities and concentrate on what matters. No, not shoes…
December 22nd, 10.36: is up and out to work out the (good yet not the best fat free) Jap restaurant she had last night. God bless sports (never thought she'd say those words one day)
December 22nd, 1.31: can't sleep. What went so well went so sour. She wants the sweet taste of it back
December 22nd, 0.22: thinks it may be time to press "off"
December 21st, 18.48: has drifted from the Philosophes to the Fumoir then will be drifting to Japan and back to bed. Sunday drift
December 21st, 112.09: thinks people who have phones & never answer/return calls or dial them should give their phone away to the phone SPA for someone with real social need to adopt
December 21st, 11.46: is looking at the time, turning her head to the pillow, looking at the time again. Don't know what to do
December 20th, 19.14: is giving up on Italians. Her New Year resolution. One less shouldn't hurt!
December 20th, 16.48: has been running all day. In and out of Adidas, Go Sport and Courir. That counts for a "run" doesn't it? With a cardio bonus
December 20th, 10.51: is slowly waking up. One eye after the other. She said she's run today… She also said she's marry a millionaire this year. Well, did she?
December 19th, 19.22: ran 15 min with coach without stopping or dying. Next step, 20/30 min alone, this weekend with music in her ears (and phone dialled on 911…)
December 19th, 10.33; thinks honey is a good concept. Bellyache. Eat some honey. Heartache. Eat some honey. Bears knew their business. It's not random girls like teddy’s
December 18th, 22.15: is not feeling too hot… Maybe tea and honey will help put the heat back on
December 18th, 19.35: is wondering... Is it? Is he? Will she? How can they?
December 18th, 10.17: is up. Her future may be partly decided today and so she can’t decide what to wear. One of those issues
December 18th, 0.27: promised not to come here but thought she'd say hi before turning off... Hello
December 17th, 16.20: managed to get back all her data. Thank you PC Suite!
December 17th, 13.24: is changing phones… again. 4th Nokia E65 and hopefully her contacts, diary etc. will all remain. Nokia is one phone away from her blacklist
December 17th, 2.59: can't sleep and the clock is ticking. Scheisse!
December 17th, 1.17: is cleaning past midnight!! Not normal! She needs to breath some fresh air and see some fresh cows!
December 16th, 10.29: is dreaming of a white Christmas and a home bike
December 16th, 12.35: can't stop thinking about someone and wishes she could be somewhere far away with birds, trees and cows and concentrate on something else
December 15th, 23.13: is back home from the cold, the champagne and the jazz
December 15th, 11.33: can't decide. "Boston Legal" or a home bike. Santa, which will it be?
December 15th, 1.01: can't sleep and is asking Santa to get her "Boston Legal" for Xmas (all seasons). If Santa is too busy will you buy her that for Xmas?
December 14th, 23.03: hasn't done much today, hasn't been out in the cold and feels quite rested. Bed before midnight. She rocks!
December 14th, 14.56: is cleaning, scrubbing, dusting, rearranging, sorting, throwing and recovering. Couldn’t possibly think of a better Sunday
December 14th, 12.10: has written n'importe quoi on FB last night but then again, the best poets write nonsense most of the time don't they?
December 14th, 4.27: thinks time itself may not be a ridiculous one but add them to one another, 7 in a row and it quickly becomes a ridiculous thing…
December 13th, 12.16: is thinking it may be time to get up. But reading everyone's status updates "too cold, too grey" why bother. Bed is warm & waking up past midday is so chic
December 13th, 3.49: thought she'd be asleep by midnight but coming back home at 3.30am is so much more fun
December 12th, 17.57: is still alive. Paris is saved from Cognac-Club-less nights, Anti-Valentin-less parties and other excuses to drink on and be merry
December 12th, 16.11: is waiting for her coach to come and force her to run for a whoooooole hoooour... He'll most probably hate her by the end of it! She didn't ask for it so
December 12th, 11.05: thinks life is to short to give any attention to self centred people with heads the size of one of those big beach balls so she's just going to ignore them
December 12th, 1.09: is going to bed phone free, wifi free, alarm clock free and hopefully full of sleep. She's tired, she's cranky and she's saying good night
December 11th, 19.02: is going to her LE66 Christmas Party looking like lumberjack Santa
December 11th, 17.48: is up after a few hours of much needed nap. Last time she napped she was probably 7. Ag(ing)e…
December 11th, 10.26: is up and having a hard time to do so... 4 days is as much as she can take. 3 more are coming up and by Sunday she's a 'smartut'
December 11th, 1.11: thinks taking off her 10cm heels is the best thing that could have happened to her in a long time. Better then low fat peanut butter
December 10th, 16.01: has left the Web early but may see the boys again tonight. her eyes are slowly closing... Need to keep them open. Need to keep them open (Repeat after me)
December 10th, 8.37: has been up since ages. The call of the Web geeks and all the rest (lots of it till late tonight)
December 10th, 1.15: met Paulo Coelho, drank @ Palais M. Still no Orange for world contact. Ridiculous! Bed now. Web08 tomorrow early. Coach. No TCFR but Crillon instead & champagne
December 9th, 22.06: is having an Orange - disfonctionnement - and can't make or receive any calls. No mobile. No life, but at least MySpace Web 08 has a bar to compensate
December 9th, 21.04: is back from the Web08, off to the Web08 party, then putting her sleep to the test till she starts all over again in the morning
December 9th, 10.09: preparing the Opus Web night tonight, LA GRANDE XMAS PARTY Thursday @ LE66 , the Cognac @ the Hilton Friday and all her sports in between
December 8th:Rest!
December 7th, 9.38: is having a winter sale ‘friend’ kick out. No more “help me but I won’t help you”, “invite me but I won’t invite you”, “Call me but I won’t call you” tricks
December 6th, 20.25: is having an early spring “friend” cleaning. No more “help me but I won’t help you”, “invite me but I won’t invite you”, “Call me but I won’t call you” tricks
December 6th, 11.12: is turning herself on before midday
December 5th, 23.41: is turning herself off before midnight
December 5th, 23.08: thinks the Lemon Tree is a wonderful film! She's off to make some lemon juice and dry her tears
December 5th, 18.16: went to buy some coffee today and was given lots of club cards, offers and her own little hostess. Buying coffee these days is quite chic… What else?
December 5th, 7.23: is giving up on sleep, getting up and getting productive. Coffee, morning news, morning run you said?
December 5th, 6.46: is lying awake in bed trying to sleep but no chance on that happening. Thinking of bills, shopping, what to prepare her parents for dinner. 6am thoughts…
December 5th, 2.35: is back after a great evening looking like mother Christmas. Ho Ho Ho
December 4th, 11.36: is wondering how come there is enough space out there in space for all this rain pouring down on us?
December 3rd, 19.55: exchanged phones, recovered most of her data, missed her coach, is feeling the post power plate effects and is going out for much deserved drinks
December 3rd, 12.55: is about to hand in her phone and claim her new one. Reset of the old… No more numbers, notes or files. @Orange/@Nokia, the backup transfer better work!!!
December 3rd, 12.11: wants something but doesn't quite know what it is…
December 2nd, 23.01: wishes contacts & all info could transfer itself auto onto her new phone. Yes, you can do it on your PC but she has no idea how to make it work! Scheisse!
December 2nd, 21.01: has been power plating and is still vibrating
December 2nd, 11.29: needs an evening dress, a milk frother, book the table and exchange her Ray Ban's. In that order
December 2nd, 1.54: is still not asleep, still on her wifi, still trying to turn off… Scheisse!
December 2nd, 0.44: is freezing in her bed despite her sexy white wool socks and her almost ski combi on. Maybe it's warmer in Siberia…
December 1st, 22.42: wonders whether to watch Madagascar II or go sleep. Good vs. bad or bad Vs. good, depending from what angle you look at it
December 1st, 10.09: is up, out and proud to say it