July 31st, 3.24: has actually found worse than a face burning cream & Secret Story at night time… A biblical documentary… Should make one sleepy, shouldn't it? One would think
July 31st, 3.16: tried a new face cream and is no bozo the burning clown and its past 3am, watching Secret Story, no sleep… Can it get better than this?
July 31st, 2.03: is going to resist the Skippy chunky call, sort out her business cards once and for all and maybe, if still enough energy after all that… sleep!
July 30th, 12.56: is grateful for all the “fall in love with me stranger” proposals. Will think about it and get back to you at Christmas time! More romantic!
July 30th, 2.32: wants to be in love with a stranger… Or maybe that's just because she can't sleep and has nothing else to think about at half past 2 in the morning
July 30th, 1.48: is hiding in her apartment, barricaded from evil!
July 29th, 12.49: is quite upset about last night’s news. Where can a girl feel safe? Apparently not by her own house at 10pm with a group of men walking by…
July 29th, 1.15: just found out a girl got rapped by her house. Living in the 16th is not as chic and fabulous as everyone assumes it to be but rather dangerous and even dodgy
July 29th, 1.03: is home after a lovely evening out in Paris… Now what? It’s 1am… time to sleep or to get sleepless?
July 28th, 14.06: looking through the World Wide Web to find the perfect job, that’s what she’s doing right now! You have the perfect offer for her? Great!! Come forward!
July 28th, 1.01: is fed up being tired and a blink away from sleep then wake up and feel ready to start her day at 1am instead of ending the former
July 28th, 0.30: thinks you should follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answers
July 27th, 22.13: had an unexpectedly good day in the Marais. Just got home wanting to go back out there… All these people and warm weather make her want a cocktail!
July 27th, 13.15: says breakfast is why she gets up in the morning. Her definition stops here! Brunch is why she gets up on Sunday noon!
July 27th, 3.24: wanted to go to bed early. Never happened! Back from the Bagatelle woods, redbull’d up and off to lala land!
July 26th, 23.07: was pj’d and on her way to bed, now somehow heading to the woods… On Bagatelle duty!
July 26th, 21.39: is staying in tonight! Yes! In! On her sofa! Yes! No drinking! Yes! She’s loving it!
July 26th, 15.09: got her sleep, missed her lunch, broke a zip and is about to try very hard not to kick someone’s ass!
July 26th, 3.30: is advising, do not be misled! Starting to believe most signs are misleading and bad company corrupts good character!
July 26th, 2.52: is starting her 3rd year of TDiP! Thank you all for another fabulous year!!
July 25th, 18.22: is lacking sleep. After 4 hours sleep last night, just got up from an attempted nap. Even faked a snore to pretend… Didn't work… Tough night ahead!
July 25th, 12.16: chatted on the phone like a schoolgirl till almost 6am. Hates the phone since 10am. Up too early for human kind to attend lunch then total collaps-ation!
July 25th, 3.06: thinks that if history repeats itself and the unexpected always happens, how incapable must man be of learning form experience…
July 24th, 20.17: is quite sure that a drink a day keeps the shrink away!
July 24th, 19.46: is wondering if she’s walking to you in everything she does…
July 24th, 1.48: thinks all deception in the course of life is indeed nothing else but a lie reduced to practice
July 23rd, 14.15: is wondering, since we can all read the writing on the wall, why do we just assume it’s addressed to someone else?
July 23rd, 13.40: thinks sometimes you put walls up not to keep people out, but to see who cares enough to break them down
July 23rd, 2.31: is having a severe headache, probably from all that wine & too much unnecessary drama. No more of it… Obviously don't mean the wine!
July 23rd, 2.04: thinks we can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs… Or maybe it’s just the wine talking
July 23rd, 1.52: thinks we can destroy ourselves by cynicism and disillusion, just as effectively as by bombs…
July 22nd, 16.41: is wondering if it’s worth all the drama… The thing is; would it be as exciting without any at all? Although, less is more isn’t it?
July 22nd, 1am: thinks we're all a bit broken inside since our childhood days & as adults, we keep on breaking others… Why is that?
July 22nd, 0.37: is a bit schizo at times… at night times!
July 21st, 22.53: is going to work on her new personification in bed! Hopefully by tomorrow morning she’ll wake up smarter and personified!
July 21st, 18.46: needs to “personify” herself if she wants to walk the talk!
July 21st, 14.58: needs someone to take some of the punches for her just for a while. Tired of taking it all
July 21st, 11.06: has the events, may have a site, doesn’t have the name and out of coffee
July 21st, 1.38: is ready to kill someone in exchange of sleep!!
July 20th, 23.26: was tired at a reasonable hour and now, when it’s time for bed, she is of course all awake… what else?
July 20th, 21.26: is growing sleepy while lying still on her sofa… At 9pm. Maximum social, drinking capacity reached!
July 20th, 19.50: thinks men grow most tired when staying still!
July 20th, 5.32: had a fabulous night! This may be the time to maybe go sleep on all the fabulousness and expect some more tomorrow
July 19th, 13.29: thinks courtship consists of a number of odd attentions, not so pointed as to be understood, nor so vague as not to be understood…
July 19th, 11.08: suspects it may not be the best of things to wake up moody… Is it? Today will be a long… Long day…
July 19th, 3.12: thinks no one should settle for less and if you’re disappointed by someone… let it go and go on to the next. Life is too short to wait around and see what happens
July 19th, 3.01: is back home from a night out with nice friends, a couple of silly men, no taxis and new friends met at a station and finally, bed oh bed!
July 18th, 21.39: thinks that history teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives
July 18th, 8.09: thought she'd get a table… Got a big heavy box instead. What's the point in getting non Ikea furniture if you have to work on it yourself… Tool power!
July 18th, 7.58: is trying hard not to fall back asleep but considering last night, tonight and tomorrow, she hates table delivery companies.
July 18th, 7.39: is proud of the clock… 7.40… Seen it? Proud of her?… Don’t mock this status!
July 18th, 1.59: asks if you bite your nails? It’s a bad habit! People always tell you that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Bullshit, it’s your hands, that’s the sign of a lady
July 17th, 13.05: thinks one half of knowing what you want is knowing what you must give up before you get it. Right now it’s her diet!
July 17th, 10.45: is thinking… What is reason? What is bed? What is reason out of bed? Or is it in? Daylight… Or is it just light? Oh thoughts…
July 17th, 2.59: is in bed, awake at 3am (what else?) watching Secret Story and asking herself, but why? Seriously, why!??
July 17th, 1.47: thinks she’ll need to recover out in the country quite soon if this goes on. Cows, sheep, bugs and nature, no booze and only fruit!
July 16th, 11.37: thinks that when people you greatly admire appear to be thinking deep thoughts, they probably are thinking about lunch!
July 15th, 22.44: is pathetic! After a fair amount of alcohol and cheeseburgers over the past few days, she wants a glass of champagne and a burger… Addicted! To bed now! Hide!
July 15th, 21.52: can’t really decide if what she’s feeing is melancholy or simply pure physical exhaustion
July 15th, 19.08: is staying in tonight. Social strike French style!
July 15th, 9.31: is up so early the milkman has not even gone by…
July 15th, 1.53: thinks getting drunk on Bastille day with British friends, listening to British music is the way to do things! Do it in style!
July 14th, 19: is getting ready for dinner, drinks, fireworks and a whole lot of mess!
July 14th, 12.49: wonders what it is about a beautiful sunny afternoon, with birds singing and the wind rustling through the leaves, that makes you want to get drunk?
July 14th, 1.29: thinks insomnia is a gross feeder. It will nourish itself on any kind of thinking, including thinking of not thinking
July 14th, 1.17: spent a year in Fontainebleau, one Sunday!
July 13th, 2.20: feels like the hangover became part of the day as well allowed-for as the Spanish siesta
July 12th, 13.11: suggest swallowing a toad in the morning and you will encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day
July 12th, 12.27: is trying to figure out if 6 hours of sleep are enough or if it's a Saturday rule to get some more. Deep thought, isn't it!?
July 12th, 5.54: is back home. 6am, a few drinks, a burger, nice friends, a small disappointment and no sleep while Paris is waking up all over again…
July 11th, 19.51: is not really surprised that penguins mate for life. They all look the same. It’s not like they’re going to meet a really new, great looking penguin someday
July 11th, 13.31: is wondering if melancholy is simply the pleasure of being sad…
July 11th, 10.58: thinks a man is a very small thing, the night is very large and the morning is just very blurry…
July 11th, 3.01: wants to knock on heavens door and have god, an old nice bearded man, open up and tell her a bed time story
July 10th, 19.57: is doing everything her mother taught her not to do since forever! Point at people and put them in boxes!
July 10th, 16.29: has been labelling the world since this morning! We all out labels on everyone! It’s in our DNA! Shame there’s no technical export system on to FB
July 9th, 12.58: knows a bad day from a good one when she puts on a bra backwards and it fits better!
July 9th, 10.03: Is in bed with her eyes somewhat open, however maybe she should take a little nap before getting up
July 9th, 1.59: thinks some men dream of worthy accomplishments, while others stay awake and do them. She’s dreaming of accomplishing sleep before 3am!
July 9th, 0.34: is shutting up and counting backwards!
July 8th, 21.15: can’t help being thirsty, moving towards the voice of champagne
July 8th, 9.37: is up and even on her way out and the clock has not yet ticket 10am. She’s the queen of the world!
July 8th, 2.15: is counting sheep, cows & dogs yet still no sign of sleep! What does it take... Counting frogs too? She sees too many of those day time to count them at night
July 8th, 1.45: needs to sleep! Sleep! Needs it! Sleep!… Will repeating it work?
July 7th, 22.33: is wondering, is settling down the same as settling for…
July 7th, 14.27: thinks that when things mean a great deal to you, exciting anticipation just isn’t safe!
July 7th, 12.26: doesn’t feel old. Doesn’t feel anything till noon. Then it’s time for her nap!
July 7th, 10.29: thinks a morning without coffee is like sleep…
July 7th, 1.24: thinks the best cure for insomnia is a Monday morning!... or was it noon!?
July 7th, 0.21: thinks that if you wait for it, it will never come! If it doesn’t come, don’t wait around for it; just go get something else!!
July 6th, 23.12: thinks it is foolish to postpone enjoyment of your life until you are more successful, more secure, or more loved than you are today
July 6th, 13.27: thinks the time for action is now! It’s never too late to do something… like head out and be on time for brunch!
July 6th, 11.53: thinks this may be a fabulous Sunday! The sun is shining, the birds are singing and all that jazz and she’s having a great hair day!!
July 6th, 9.17: is up way too early after having gone to bed way too late.. Where is this world going? It's all up side down!
July 6th, 0.49: thinks sleep is like a unicorn – it is rumoured to exist, but she doubts she will see any…
July 5th, 11.17: thinks fish is nice, but then she thinks that rain is wet, so who is she to judge?
July 5th, 10.10: is in bed thinking of the potentiality of getting out of it but why? It's raining! May just watch Dr House with hot coco & wool socks
July 4ty, 23.12: thinks there is nothing so pathetic as a bore who claims attention – and gets it!
July 4th, 18.06: is craving pizza and it's not even midnight.. Where is she going wrong?
July 4th, 18.04: is looking at her phone and ordering it to ring… Wishful thinking or teenager stupidity?
July 4th, 17.57: is not expecting it to happen but if it did, it would be so unexpectedly nice… Wouldn’t it? Expectations, friend or foe?
July 4th, 12.19: think that expecting the world to treat you fairly because you’re a good person is a little like expecting a bull not to attack you because you’re a vegetarian!
July 3rd, 18.47: is even more determined to say that as she grows older, she pays less attention to what men say. She just watches what they do… and when they don’t…
July 3rd, 11.56: has reached the conclusion that as she grows older, she pays less attention to what men say. She just watches what they do!
July 3rd, 1.25: is watching Ingrid Betancourt as a free woman & is thinking, if it can take a miracle 6 years to happen, anything can! Even happiness!
July 2nd, 23.45: thinks people who are funny and smart and return phone calls get much better press than people who are just funny and smart
July 2nd, 11.37: is off her cat duty and back into her life duty in her own home, fish free!
July 2nd, 2.19: is contemplating her parents walls past 2am while the kitty is snoring on her legs. Why don’t cats get insomnia’s! Solidarity!
July 1st, 22.28: thinks that in matters of grave importance, style, not sincerity is the vital thing!
July 1st, 10.25: is tired and it’s only 10am! Tired of playing games, overanalysing, waiting… It feels like it’s all being put on hold. Too old for this! Where did simple go?