June 30th, 11.16: is red. Red hair, red back, red attitude!
June 29th, 11.30: is done being a bunny and is now slightly hung over and sleep depraved, getting ready to picnic under the clouds
June 28th, 17.09: is concentrating hard on waking up from her zombie state or Playboy will be more of a deadboy!
June 28th, 14: is nowhere near going out and being social… Blame it on champagne!
June 27th, 19.56: has been in and out of the cold all over Paris with McDreamy!
June 27th 11.09: is doing the boiling fish thing again… Kind of stinky all that vapour so early in the day
June 26th, 1 0.03: is stuck with a cat, boiled fish before 9am and already a small scratch. She’s too nice!
June 25th, 17.51: is not allowed to go near a shop ever again!!! Any kind of shop!! Even a butcher!! Who knows, maybe she’ll buy a steak just cause it goes well with her purse!
June 25th, 9.37: cannot go near shops today! Cannot go near shops today! Can not go near shops today!… (Wishful thinking)
June 25th, 2.18: is still reading the time… It’s 2.17am… Missing the days where sleeping was as easy as eating a chocolate bar without feeling guilty!
June 25th, 1.40: is reading the time… It’s 1.42am… What else?
June 24th, 21.15: will pick a theme and work it to exhaustion… the subject must be something she truly loves and truly hates!
June 24th, 11.32: is wondering. They say if you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk. What happens when he runs?
June 24th, 10.23: thinks it’s a good morning exercise for a research scientist to discard a pet hypothesis every day before breakfast. It keeps him young
June 23rd, 23.06: thinks alcohol may be man’s worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy, doesn’t it!?
June 23rd, 11.40: thinks a friend is one who takes you to lunch even if you’re not tax deductible!
June 23rd, 0.43: thinks cats have it all – Admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it!
June 22nd, 20.47: thinks winter is the season in which people try to keep the house as warm as it was in the summer, when they complained about the heat
June 22nd, 13.37: wonders if it would be shameful to state that she has just woken up! Even god would sleep in on Sunday wouldn’t he?
June 22nd, 4.26: is capturing crocodiles and tigers in Africa past 4am instead of sleeping deepy in her bed in Paris
June 22nd, 3.49: has managed with her great partner in (crêpe) crime to make her way back home through the crowd, the heat and the music in this cab less city of Paris!
June 21st, 14.04: has found the secret to perfect life; live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink champagne in the wild air!
June 21st, 11.31: wants sun and warmth! If she won’t get any today, on this official summer day, she’s going on strike! After all, she lives in France!
June 21st, 11.05: is wondering if the sun outside is simply a mirage…
June 21st, 0.16: is not really going to sleep. She’s just going to meditate on unconsciousness!
June 20th, 22.03: is guessing that only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday!
June 20th, 10.42: comes in limited edition! Numbered copies only, and so far, only one is available!
June 20th, 4.04: is back home after a fabulous night at the Echelle followed by a fabulous cheeseburger at the pub and now finally in bed. May be time eh!?
June 19th, 20.22: claims there are only two times when she drinks champagne. When she is alone and when she’s with someone else
June 19th, 14.53: sometimes lays awake at night, and asks, “Where have I gone wrong” Then a voice says to her, “This is going to take more then one night!”
June 19th, 12.29: is too shy to admit she... No, she can't say... But... No, it's too silly to share
June 19th, 3.36: is begging of you to help her get tired before the clock hits 4am… She won’t push it to sleep, just tired! Maybe this is the time to start believing in god and pray!
June 19th, 2.25: will not be your steppingstone. Take it all, or leave her alone!
June 18th, 20.23: thinks the only man who is really free is the one who can turn down an invitation to dinner without giving any excuse!
June 18th, 13.30: says that in just two days, tomorrow will be yesterday…
June 18th, 11.10: has counted pigs, even tried stripping off zebras of their stripes, then ended up counting the minutes till her alarm block ordered her to get up. Now it's time to count the coffee grains in a bucket!
June 18th, 2.07: is still up counting endless sheep and pigs but no use. The other farm animals are gathering around. Maybe the cow will do the trick
June 18th, 1.34: can’t sleep. Thinking of sheep and pigs but no use. May as well do the whole zoo
June 17th, 23.59: thinks if you go parachuting and your parachute doesn’t open and your friends are all watching you fall, a funny gag would be to pretend you were swimming
June 17th, 22.05: thinks football players, like prostitutes, are in the business of ruining their bodies for the pleasure of strangers… (Euro 2008 France – Italy is on)
June 17th, 11.45: thinks the finest clothing made is a person’s skin, but, of course, society demands something more than this so the question is, will it be a dress or jeans?
June 17th, 1.58: is in bed sleepless thinking too much about things people do, don't do, promise & don't keep… The usual girl thoughts at 2am
June 16th, 23.58: thinks the hardest job kids are facing today is learning good manners without seeing any!!
June 16th, 12.05: thinks the average, healthy, well-adjusted adult gets up at seven-thirty in the morning feeling just plain terrible!
June 16th, 1.16: is wondering, did you ever stop to think, and forget to start again?
June 15th, 11.45: is not quite sure but if you ask her maybe she will... But then again, maybe she won't. Sunday's are tricky days in a woman's mind
June 15th, 8.25: is wondering what in her brain has triggered the function of opening her eyes so early on Sunday morning. Hoping it will trigger the closing of the eyes again too!
June 14th, 18.34: thinks that to receive everything, one must open one’s hands and give. She has to learn to give less and receive in exchange
June 14th, 13.01: thinks difficult things take a long time, impossible things a little longer
June 14th, 11.40: thinks there comes a point in every woman’s life where some decisions need to be taken! Today is one of those moments… where she has decided to get out of bed!
June 14th, 2.34: is amazed at how people can piss her off past 2am when they should either be out drinking, sleeping or doing all but! And it all went so well, so close to sleeping!
June 14th, 1.39: was tired, stayed up, now no longer sleepy. Wondering why she can’t be normal; feel tired, go to sleep, just like be hungry; go eat (that one she rarely forgets)
June 14th, 0.06: thought she knew better but ends out she doesn’t. Do we really know it all? Those who think they know her well from all this, don’t be fooled!
June 13th, 19.39: is at the train station saying goodbye to an Italian hub... Why do they come and go?
June 13th, 9.36: thinks without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds
June 13th, 8.22: had a sleepless night in bed... Too much "fabulous" all over the place maybe. Next time she'll just shut her trap and take a pill. Needs to be belle for her bô!
June 13th, 1.09: is back home from a fabulous evening with fabulous people in a fabulous place! Tomorrow will be a fabulous day with a fabulous man all over Paris!
June 12th, 22.10: almost went white tonight but then decided to opt for a more fashion creative night at the Galliera
June 12th, 11.18: is laughing… “Three” wise men – are you serious?
June 12th, 0.10: is longing for something simple and genuine, with just a hint of neurosis
June 11th, 19.36: thinks maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free till they find someone just as wild to run with them
June 11th, 13.03: has a lifetime appointment and intends to serve it. She expects to die at 110, shot by a jealous husband!
June 11th, 11.06: thinks if you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop the story… how about here and now?
June 11th, 10.26: is thinking. Dress or pants. Shoes or sandals.. Yes, not very deep but sometimes you just don't want to overwork your brain.. Even under work it some
June 11th, 1.38: often wants to cry. That is the only advantage women have over men – at least they can try
June 11th, 1.02: is asking herself, bed or not bed, tea or not tea, give up on men or continue playing… what a night…
June 10th, 20.01: is about to go do something she really shouldn’t and is not a very chic chick move, but what fun is it to always do the right things at the right time!
June 10th, 11.50: never carry’s a grudge when having arguments with people. You know why? While you’re carrying a grudge, they’re out dancing!
June 10th, 10.27: thinks it is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt. Just saying…
June 10th, 10.02: is completely addicted to Duffy's "Mercy"… Better that than shoe shopping, don't you agree!?
June 10th, 9.33: is thinking if to get up or compensate for all the hours spent awake all night straight away instead of tonight… What would Yoda suggest?
June 10th, 5.36: has been burning off calories from all the moving around in bed. She probably moved 10 times around the sun till now but still no sleep. Maybe she should try another planet!
June 9th, 23.28: is in bed before midnight… May be the wine, the men talk, the sun or simply the fact she’s tired… But that just sounds too boring!
June 9th, 21.08: has been in a Marais cafe for the past hours drinking and talking men, life, men... Men, with her friend and feeling fabulous! And god invented girl friends!
June 9th, 12.23: is wondering if she has to get all over excited over France – Romania tonight or if it’s enough to pretend and go have a cocktail instead
June 9th, 10.58: is fully agreeing with Buddha when he says “What we think, we become”. She thinks she is up and out of bed and poof, so she is!
June 9th, 2.12: is done "Mercy"ing with Duffy but is still awake watching cigarette dealers on tv.. Even that doesn't work on her sleep. She may try fishing & hunting..
June 9th, 1.44: is releasing her week’s stress by dancing like a crazy insomniac in bed to Duffy’s “Mercy”… A way like any other wouldn’t you say!?
June 9th, 1.19: is still under mild shock. It’s even comic in a very pathetic way. Things people can bring themselves to say and don’t even realise it.
June 9th, 0.36: thinks the important thing in writing is the capacity to astonish. Not shock – shock is a worn out word – but astonish!
June 8th, 21.30: has found a radical way to kick her bad days in the ass! Spend quality time with quality friends that make you smile and feel good! Skippy free!
June 8th, 12.41: is seriously asking you; is there an expiration date on bad days cause 4 is now seriously more then enough! Her system is even rejecting all Nutella & champagne!
June 8th, 12: wants to run to a land far, far away and won’t be asking “are we there yet?” She needs the ride and the distance! Lots of distance from everything she knows!
June 8th, 2.18: believes that one aspect of serendipity is to bear in mind that you have to be looking for something in order to find something else…
June 7th, 15.01: quotes a wise man who said “be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be”. Today she pretends to be on top of the world and happy!
June 7th, 12.03: wants to believe that it’s all about to do or do not do… There is no try!
June 7th, 11.48: is asking; to get out of bed or stay in bed and watch bad TV while eating good chocolate? Chocolate won't harm your soul. It's your best friend! It loves you and is there for you!
June 7th, 2.33: feels like she's falling on a concrete sky… Despite the quantities of the much needed drinks, she's still falling hard! Is there an expiration date on bad days?
June 7th, 2.04: feels like she’s falling on a concrete sky…
June 6th, 19.06: is stuck in a joyless rut and can’t motivate herself out of it! Sometimes she too, needs an emotional crutch! Can’t serve 24/24!
June 6th, 17.47: is determined to go from pathetically joyless to fabulous and stunning and great you all @ the Purple Club tonight for a big cognac fest!
June 6th, 11.29: may take advice from the wise that said; “relationships are hard to tame. Prada has never broken my heart before. Don’t cry. Buy a bag and get over it!”
June 6th, 1.57: thinks there are easier things in life than trying to find a nice guy… like nailing jelly to a tree for example
June 5th, 18.58: is digging into her low fat Skippy chunky peanut jar… Bad move! Bad sign! Bad girl!! Someone, please save her with a drink!!
June 5th, 18.39: thinks god made women beautiful and foolish; beautiful, that man might love her; and foolish, that she might love him
June 5th, 12.33: thinks all mothers should pass on the lesson to their daughters. Cliché or not; “he’s just not that into you!”… It should be written in schoolbooks!
June 5th, 11.14: thought that when you slept off a bad day a good day came along. She's in bed with no will to test the theory by getting up… What if it's wrong?
June 5th, 1.38: is sure that whoever said alcohol was bad for you was either a fool or a liar!! Better have champagne than an aspirin!
June 4th: where did this day go???
June 3rd, 22: wonders how much of human life is lost in waiting! Waiting is painful. Forgetting is painful. But not knowing which to do is a lot of suffering!
June 3rd, 15.22: believes music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life! Today is spring cleaning day!!
June 3rd, 0.22: is officially on the other side of the year but as decided last weekend, she’ll be sticking to last year just a bit longer!
June 2nd, 18.38: has discovered the secret of staying young; live honestly, eat slowly and lie about your age!… Her age?? Why 28 of course!!!
June 2nd, 13.15: thinks birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that people who have the most live the longest!
June 2nd, 8.26: is not 33, she's eighteen with 15 years experience and a 3 hour sleep night... We'll see how her youth deals with this by early pm
June 2nd, 4.29: is not 33, she’s eighteen with 15 years experience and a first night with no sleep!
June 2nd, 2.02: is not 33, she’s eighteen with 15 years experience!
June 2nd, 0.41: is sad cause Yves Saint Laurent just died!! It's the end of an era… And a new one for her!
June 1st, 13.48: is thanking you all for coming Thursday night to the SEX & THE CITY party at LE 66 and making it such a fabulous event: http://tiny.cc/LEMa8
June 1st, 12.22: has reached 1975 FB friends, a day before her birthday, year 1975. Is this a sign? She's looking for signs so anything will do!!
June 1st, 10.07: thinks sometimes when she talks, her words can’t keep up with her thoughts. She wonders why we think faster than we speak… Probably so we can think twice
June 1st, 0.36: reveals the secret of happiness, let your interests be as wide as possible and your reactions to the things and persons that interest you b as far as possible friendly rather than hostile