Mai 31st, 2.35: has decided that this year she won’t be celebrating her birthday. This year she’ll remain a year younger and just as innocent.
Mai 30th, 23.21: thinks explanation separates us from astonishment, which is the only gateway to the incomprehensible
Mai 30th, 18.39: thinks some days are not made for getting out of bed and going on with business. Or maybe some people are not worthy of that effort
Mai 29th, 8.52: had a strict Dr order to stay home. Is this a way to spend the last days of her..25 (what else) year old existence? This is not the fabulousness she aspires for!
Mai 28th, 17.03: is getting ready for tomorrow night’s SATC night. Don’t forget to PRINT the FLYER on the EVENT to get IN!
Mai 28th, 14.03: is home again. In bed again! With a pounding head again! Does this torture even end??
Mai 28th, 9.03: is advising to follow Dr’s orders!! If Dr tells you “Stay home” then stay home and don’t try to play superheroes!! Result, you suffer openly at your desk instead of privately in bed!
Mai 28th, 8.49: is concluding that even with an overdose of the drugs she got (yes, he overdosed her) even iron man wouldn’t have resisted… So why is she?
Mai 27th, 21.47: is going to bed like a 9 year old baby girl at 9pm. Hopefully she’ll be brand new in the morning! With all these drugs taken even an elephant would be!
Mai 27th, 18.56: has been on house arrest since this morning. Dr’s orders! Got bored and just finished a whole ice cream box. Handmade Italian so she can feel less bad about it!
Mai 27th, 8.43: is wishing upon a doctor to make her better for right now… Or even better, for yesterday!
Mai 27th, 2.57: has a mini bastard inside her ear who is hitting her with an ice stick, or at least that’s the feeling of it. This is not getting better!!!
Mai 26th, 21.50: is about to continue her day’s activity. Sleep! And this, until the morning where she prays (please god) to feel better if not perfect!
Mai 26th, 19.44: thought that when you stay in to sleep, drink water, eat soup, eat veggies & fruit, cold goes away… Still waiting dammit!!
Mai 26th, 16.32: thought sleeping and resting made the cold go away… Guess when you have a SATC party to organise the same week, it doesn't!
Mai 26th, 12.15: will be sniffy at home in bed this afternoon! If you need to contact her, please send her a (sweet) note!
Mai 26th, 7.52: is being good and getting up but wonders how long she will last with this cold that has grown on her
Mai 25th, 23.30: is in bed, tired of this day. Her cold, her mood, the lack of what should be… Maybe tomorrow will be a better day
Mai 25th, 19.29: thinks she may be having the zsa zsa zsu and wonders if there’s a switch-off button or if drama is a necessary part of the process…
Mai 25th, 17.56: is pissed about her pounding head, unworthy people and a wasted Sunday! If anyone out there wants to speak to her today, advice to you – don’t!
Mai 25th, 17.36: is on her sofa on her one day off with a bitching head ache since last night and an urge to say bad things about some people!
Mai 25th, 8.14: will be spending her only free day this week in bed with an horrific cold! This was not in the plan for her 1 day w/e!!
Mai 24th, 22.14: is in bed with a feverish headache, backache, shivers&a burning throat. That is called post seminar saturday night.
Mai 24th, 21.31: Sandra is back home after a 2 day intensive work seminar out in nature and is about to sleep for the next 15-20 hours!! After that, may nap!
Mai 23rd, 1.20: is off to a 2 day work (yes, on a w/e) seminar in less then 7 hours so good night and see you when I'm done VTT'ing and conference'ing and such!
May 22nd, 9.03: is advising... stay away from her when she goes nut-nut!! It may rub off!
May 21st, 12.40: is wondering... wwhy can't it be so simple!... Or maybe we are the ones making simple things more complicated
May 20th, 15.09: is trying to resist getting up for what will be her 4th cup of coffee since this morning, or was it 5th? or maybe the 6th? Well, an 8th is needed!!!
May 20th, 8.56: is up and getting all pretty for the day... Or maybe just the end of it if this morning's prettiness will magically last
May 19th, 22.51: is on her way to bed. Needs her beauty sleep desperately!! Even before 11pm
May 19th, 18.48: knows what she will be doing tonight. Say hello to parents. Say hello to her still-closed-suitcase. Leave suitcase close and say hello to bed until the morning!
May 19th, 14.56: doesn't have much to say today but thought she'd say that anyways...
May 19th, 8.40: is up, dressed, fed, bag ready and on her way to work! You know, that office they have no sea in nor falafel stands and freshly pressed juice!
May 19th, 2.30: is in bed, exhausted, sad and no sleep! It's the action junky lullaby
May 19th, 2.27: is in bed, exhausted, sad and no sleep! Making this coming day free hug day!
May 19th, 1.50: is back in Paris. 30 min flight delay, 10°C less plus rain and 5 hours before and work in less than 7 hours! Welcome back to the real world!
May 18th, 7.03: thinks its a crime to wake someone up on their holiday at 7 in the morning! Sue them! Sue them all!... And bring her one black coffee
May 18th, 12.03: is watching a sad romantic movie in bed with brownie snoring on the floor next to her & feeling nostalgic.. Love oh love
May 17th, 11.20: thinks u can take a girl out of the beach but u can't take the beach out of the girl! Hopefully it'll apply to food as well (take the girl out of the food)
May 17th, 23.19: thinks you can take a girl out of the beach but you not take the beach out of the girl!.. Hopefully it will apply for the food here as well (take the girl out of the food only!)
May 17th, 23: is in bed red like a shrimp & freckled like a tiger. Tomorrow some more sun then the french balagan
May 17th, 13.29: is baking in the sun like there is no tomorrow.. Or at least sun in paris
May 17th, 8.49: is waking up and its 9.40. She just made her proud! Maybe today will be a great day for mankind and herself!
May 16th, 23.02: is hoping to improve her freckle situation tomorrow... After that it all goes down hill. Need to show off something when back in Paris!
May 16th, 17.44: saw the sea, smelled the sea, almost reached to the sea, yet didn't go to the sea.... Now is sad!
May 16th, 7.52: is off kids for a while! Why don't they come with sleep-no-screams-before-8am manuals?? Need a vacation after this vacation! Can't wait to sleep in on the 25th/5!
May 16th, 0.11: is quite deaf after tonight. As the old saying goes "I'm not blind miss james, just deaf"...
May 15th, 18.39: is getting ready for a TDiTLV at Zizitripo! Honestly... she secretly wishes she could sleep for a year before being social!
May 15th, 13.56: is back home from a baby ride and going back out on an adult one... Wondering when the stars and the moon go to sleep... Her bed time too!
May 15th, 6.26: is up since 6am. Next 'grace matinée' (past 8am) is scheduled for Sunday 25/5. She doesn't believe in god, but may he be with her!!
May 15th, 0.26: is realising she has issues spelling since she got here.. May be the air, the sea, the crying babies & early wake ups or just too much eating!
May 14th, 7.52: is thining it's time for dinner!!! Have Italian food in a country of Houmous and falafel's is a sin. Tonight she will sin!
May 14th, 17.03: is wondering, how much would Israelis pay her for importing nice, sexy, wearable shoes??? Maybe there's a business here to think about!!
May 14th, 9.30: is on her way out into the world. Coffee, some polution, lunch, dinner and a few drinks in between!
May 14th, 8.14: is up. Maybe should check into ahotel just for one little night, sleep till midday and order room service with the paper!
May 13th, 21.17: is discovering ice cream all over again... and non stop since 3pm today! If you would taste this specific one, you'd sell your soul to it as well!!!!
May 13th, 11.08: is almost awake. 3rd coffee around. 2 hours of intensive walking.. The sun is my saviour!
May 13th, 8.20: is up again since 8am. Should be forbidden to wake people up when they really should be sleeping till at least 10am then wake up slowly with coffee in bed
May 12th, 18.09: is suffering from general vacation exhaustion. Shopping, eating, walking, paparazzing and above all... sunbathing!!
May 12th, 7.16: is up since 7am (take away 1 hour and you have it in VF) What else to do in a house full of babies. Instead of a bar tonight, will take a nap!
May 11th, 22.15: thinks baby Maya is a fabulousl(ly silly) genious who discovered at 21 months that one can jump out of a baby crib... and so she did
May 11th, 8.41: is up since 8am and no she is not at work but with babies (no,she didn't have 2 of them since you last saw her)
May 10th, 20.49: is amazed at how much food one small person like herself (not if she continues like this she won`t be) can eat! All this Israeli and Iraqi food... god bless!
May 10th, 13.57: is enjoying the sun in a Frecnh café in Tel Aviv. The equivalent of Americans enjoying a Big Mac in a foreign mcDonald's.. Onlymaybe less cliché (no offense)
May 10th, 9.38: is loving Maya again! (Unless u're 1,5 year old, this i'm afraid doesn't concern u but if u're nice though she may change her mind
May 9th, 23.26: was in love with Maya till Maya refused to go to bed! She'll love her again in the morning!!
May 9th, 21.25: is inlove with Maya. She tells her she loves her, wants to sit on her lap, hold her hand and doesn`t want her to go anywhere!... In love!!
May 9th, 17.38: is thilled that baby Maya wanted to do bubbles in the tub with her rather than mummy Keren. Aunties are so much better for that!!!!
May 9th, 14.52: is at home with a talking baby. This baby knows how to say "I love you" and is less than 2 years old. Adults, learn!! :)
May 9th, 9.14: is up after what feels like a million years of (much needed) sleep. With baby Maya around it's all perfect!
May 8th, 20.52: is finally going to bed! Been fighting the shutting-down-of-the-eyes for the past 15 hours, falling asleep wherever she sat, now she can finally give in!!!
May 8th, 16.49: has no words to describe her state. Tired is far to soft for her zombie state... 5 coffees did not do the trick so may give up before even 6pm
May 8th, 8.56: woke up yesterday morning 7am in paris and is now lying half dead on a sofa in tel-aviv... dreaming of some much needed sleep!!
May 7th, 21.26: packed, showered, cooked and ate while painting her toes, got all her papers ready while drying her hair! All that in an hour and half!! Superwoman I am!
Mai 7th, 7.47: is looking at her alarm with horror waiting for the bip bip to go off and thinking of the next 48 hours she has to spend awake… She's getting too old for this.
Mai 7th, 1.11: still has a hard (putting it mildly) time packing. Too many things, not enough days… Or is it the other way around?
Mai 6th, 22.15: can’t choose among the 7 pairs of shoes, 5 dresses, 5 skirts and endless tops, shirts and t-tanks… What she suffers from is called “crazy”!
Mai 6th, 14.47: is becoming a kick ass pro as far as Curry’s, PC World, Dixon’s, The Link go…
Mai 6th, 8.38: is out of milk. Cereal without milk during the day is called snacking!! Cereal without milk in the morning is called “keep away today or I’ll bite!”
Mai 6th, 4.21: keeps waking up every hour or so with flash thoughts like a flash sale…Thoughts on sale
Mai 6th, 0.25: is back home later then expected but then again, plans are made to be changed and sometimes sweet surprises can come out of that!
Mai 5th, 8.45: can’t believe she’s back to watching “Télé Matin” on TV every morning. If there’s anything you need to know about dogs, apples or Napoleon, just ask!
Mai 4th, 23.47: has decided to go to sleep. 23h48, that leaves her with 7 hours and 50 minutes of sleep… And god created Monday mornings!
Mai 4th, 22.34: is wondering if to go to sleep like a good girl or stay up watch Bonnie & Clyde till obviously past midnight… Bad habits. They kick you in the ass!
Mai 4th, 19.48: is back home from the sun and about to do things people do on Sunday’s. If it finishes early enough she may go do things she did on Sundays till now
Mi 4th, 11.52: is wondering now that she’s up, now that the shoes are back in the boxes (don’t ask), now that she’s made her bed… Now what’s next?
Mai 4th, 9.59: is contemplating the ceiling and thinking; to get up or not to get up. That is the question. Cereal or muesli, that is the second one.
Mai 4th, 1.22: is counting sheep that leisurely pass by. One after one; the sound of rain and bees murmuring: the fall of rivers, winds and seas. She has thought of all by turns and yet lies sleepless!
Mai 4th, 0.57: feels that as a woman, it is very embarrassing to be in a meeting and realise she’s the only one in the room with balls!
Mai 3rd, 19.47: is rediscovering Saturday “duty” shopping… You know, all things you can’t do during the week so you gather in hordes on the Saturday… Exhausting!
Mai 3rd, 2.58: is back home late, tipsy (or maybe slightly more) and not even there to celebrate his birthday with him…Feels sad… or maybe just very tired and ready to go to bed!
Mai 2nd, 16.04: is quiet isn't she?… Well, pay her 200€ a day and she'll keep your Status Update needs satisfied!!
Mai 2nd, 1.06: is back home. Heading to bed hoping to be able to get up the morning after the first TdiP the 1st week after…
Mai 1st, 19.51: is advising, do not bite at the bait of pleasure, till you know there is no hook beneath it… She’s also advising herself to listen to her own advises!
Mai 1st, 18.58: is back home from the cold preparing to welcome the poor little alcoholic lonesome Parisian orphans at the Alcazar in only a few hours!
Mai 1st, 12.45: has found work and received from the city a “contrat de prévoyance obséques”… How is that for motivation??
Mai 1st, 11.19: is still in her PJ, still on the sofa, still wondering what to do today and still in front of her pc nowhere near finding a motivating idea!
Mai 1st, 9.42: is back to her good habits, although better (or worse) than before... Up before 9.30am... So, now what? Mai 1st offers what exactly??