Monday, 31 March 2008

April 30th, 20.50: is home playing “I just started work again and suffering from exhaustion” Swedish film on French TV and early bed time. Perfect plan or perfect plan!?

April 30th, 14.43: is advising never to work quite after lunch either. If you have to work after lunch make sure to take a nap before… Wise words eh!?

April 30th, 8.33: is advising never to work before breakfast. If you have to work before breakfast, eat your breakfast first!

April 30th, 7.36: is up… Are you up too? Dreamt of munchkins and a yellow brick road. Wonder what that means…


April 29th, 22.04: is again, on her way to bed at 10pm… quite impressive this “work” thing. Should be prescribed in case of heavy insomnia!

April 29th, 19.43: thinks a coward has no scars… but may have tattoos!

April 29th, 13.44: is having lunch like normal people, lots of coffee like normal people and a tight schedule like normal people… But what is normal?

April 29th, 10.10: is at work and for some time will remain silent. New life new habits…

April 29th, 8.31: is wondering if you are up to cause she’d feel lonely being up and ready to go at 8.30am all by herself…


April 28th, 21.48: found the thing that brings you to total exhaustion before even 10pm, aside from, well, you know… So, the other thing is, a new job!! Good night!

April 28th, 20.04: is home. Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress and a drink is much needed after this first day at work!

April 28th, 9.26: is off now… Off to work… Sounds odd doesn’t it!? She’ll be here for the rest of the day:

April 28th, 9.02: is up, dressed and fed. Step 1 is accomplished! She’ll be quite busy today so if you’ll miss her:

April 28th, 0.34: will be busy starting Monday morning 10am (1st day always nice starting time) so if not on FB, you’ll find her here:


April 27th, 23.52: is trying not to freak our about freaking out! In bed before midnight… and tonight is not an option! Will be up same time as you guys from now on…

April 27th, 17.36: is back home on this last Sunday before that first Monday doing things that normal people do on Sundays before their normal Mondays…

April 27th, 10.45: is waking up slowly on her last Sunday before her first Monday… She’s enjoying it oh so much more….


April 26th, 10.35: is wondering… What’s the percentage of things people actually mean when they say them, or do for that matter?

April 26th, 1.43: is thinking that when they said you can not rely on anyone else but you… They knew what they were talking about!!

April 26th, 0.18: thinks that if we’re all alone… We’re all together in that too…

April 26th, 0.10: wants to be somebody’s “Holly”…


April 25th, 23.27: is watching “Ps. I love you” and her eyes are tearing all through it… Needs a big warm teddy hug…And more tissues please!

April 25th, 19.14: is quoting Da Vinci “A well spent day brings happy sleep”. She’s quoting herself “A sleepless night brings an even happier one!!!”

April 25th, 10.44: knows what she has given you. She does not know what you have received!

April 25th, 9.46: is back home. Lost her way from the Echelle de Jacob but a nice old man showed her the way and gave her an apple


April 24th, 17.21: needs to know of a nice bar in Tel-Aviv (not too small not too big. Design, cosy etc.) and a nice trustworthy cleaning lady in Paris. Any ideas??

April 24th, 0.17: is still up past midnight… Not keeping her pre-new-job resolutions!! Bad girl that she is!


April 23rd, 22.47: has been so busy all day she had no time to sit and enjoy the sun at a café and make you jealous!

April 23rd, 10.33: is off to see the world… Or at least Virgin’s bookstore, then a meeting, a 2nd, a 3rd, some shopping, another meeting. For more info, please contact my secretary

April 23rd, 9.07: is up. Off to bed at 3am (takes time to kick off a bad habit) up at 9am (told you so!) about to have her fruit the, off to see the world… What else!

April 23rd, 1.51am: wanted to go to bed early so she could wake up early and brag about it but that’s not going to happen (Blame H.) so she’ll just got to bed late(r) and be lazy again


April 22nd, 19.24: has spent a warm sunny day out on town, cafés, shops… You had a busy day at work??? Well, the weekend is not that far away now…

April 22nd, 12.32: Sandra is at a cafe, in the sun with a magazine, in a t-shirt… Last week of lazy freedom before work begins… Yes, Sandra is going to be a businesswoman again real soon! Goodbye laziness, hello endless coffees!

April 22nd, 9.44: is up since 9am today… Yesterday 9.30. Today 9am. Tomorrow we aim at 8.50. I still think that is a good progress don’t you!?


April 21st, 23.28: is emptying her wardrobe!! The red-cross will be thrilled with all those big paper bags waiting in the stairway… Should stop with all the shopping!!

April 21st, 22.01: will try to be in bed before midnight… Call it practice!

April 21st, 21.10: is asking you… How fast can you move your ass? It may come through as an irrelevant question, but believe me, it is!

April 21st, 10.02: is up since 9.30am. Tomorrow we aim at 9am. I think that’s good progress, don’t you!!??


April 20th, 23.53: thinks she deserves more than she settles for…

April 20th, 22.27: just ate the mini Nutella take-away dose she was put in her bag. That was a desperate move! Things are therefore not good! If only the Nutella jar could follow…

April 20th, 12.28: asked the boy for a few kind words. He gave her a novel instead. But she’s all right, she’s been lonely before…

April 20th, 4.25: is home, tired, sore feet, fizzy head, pizza craving and already dreaming of that island she’ll be on with that gorgeous man and perfect cocktail! (Dreaming…)


April 19th, 23.23: may be the only one not sedering with the family but drinking out with friends tonight… There’s always next year (has been for the past 32 years)

April 19th, 18.58: is advising, don’t give a woman advice! One should never give a woman anything she can’t wear in the evening!!


April 18th, 1.56: is home, soon in bed and will be practicing early wake up calls from now on and till the end of next week! Is there a “Early wake up for Dummies” manual?

April 17th 17.12: booked the ticket, got the job, bought the jeans (yes, yet another) & tonight will be drinking that champagne!

April 17th, 11.03: did her best to get up at 9.30 but even her alarm clock did not resist the temptation of the “sleeping late…er”


April 16th, 13.27: is about to enter a new era. Not quite yet but soon. Hopefully it won’t turn disastrous like last time. No idea what this is about? You’ll find out soon enough!

April 16th, 11.47: is wondering why when men attempt bold gestures, generally it’s considered romantic. When women do it, it’s often considered desperate or psycho

April 16th, 2.25: is up, can’t sleep, wants peace and no more mess!! Having a big “fed up” moment!! Where’s the Nutella!!??

April 16th, 1.54: believes peace is not something you wish for; It's something you make, something you do, something you are and something you give away so start working on it!

April 16th, 1.05: thinks there’s nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It’s a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations


April 15th, 23.01: was told that to get over one man, you have to get under another… Friend of foe?

April 15th, 13.41: has a new year’s resolution. Every day when she’ll get up and look through the Forbes list of the richest people. If she’s not there, she’ll go to work!

April 15th, 11.46: thinks man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it

April 15th, 2.28: is thanking Cadio, Bruno etc. for making her feel so light headed. Got home, ready to go to bed despite the fact Mr. Big is no longer here to sing her a lullaby…


April 14th, 20.21: thinks that every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end, so let’s end it so we can start again…

April 14th, 9.05: thinks it's weird… you know the end of something great is coming, but you want to hold on, just for one more second… just so it can hurt a little more


Sandra is still busy and enjoying every minute of it…


April 12th, 11.40: is still busy, enjoying every minute of it but thought she’d stop being so anti status-social for a short little line and say hello… Hi!


Sandra is enjoying her busy’ ness…


April 10th, 0.19: wanted to go to bed early, thought she would manage but, seemingly not… Why is she even surprised… Would you be?


April 9th, 21.38: would stop eating chocolate… But she’s not a quitter!

April 9th, 10.20: is waiting for her Mr Big to show up on her doorstep in less than 24 hours...


April 8th, 23.55: is waiting for Mr Big to show up on her doorstep in a little over 24h…

April 8th, 19.44: is speeding along this endless road to the destination called who we hope to be. She can't help but whine, 'Are we there yet?'

April 8th, 9.29: says that every time she showers, she assumes there's someone else on the planet who showers. So she says, ‘I'm gonna go shower, too’

April 8th, 0.35am: is not really asleep, she’s just meditating on unconsciousness


April 7th, 19.17: wonders, if Barbie is so popular… Then why do you have to buy her friends?

April 7th, 10.50: wonders if illiterate people get the full effect of alphabet soup!

April 7th, 8.25: is thinking if to get out of bed and ski out into the world... Or maybe just start with out of her bedroom

April 7th, 2am: thinks nature has no mercy at all. Nature says, “I'm going to snow. If you have on a bikini and no snowshoes, that's tough. I am going to snow anyway”

April 7th, 1.11am: is wondering… Can you make a mistake and miss your fate?


April 6th, 13.31: can never get a zipper to close. Maybe that stands for something, what do you think?

April 6th, 10.54: is hearing the Paris marathon from her bed… Can the helicopters and supporters be any louder please? Not enough DcB!

April 6th, 0.54: thinks he hasn’t been around lately. Maybe he is an amnesia victim or something…


April 5th, 12.02: can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far!


April 4th, 22.57: is wondering, is it time to go home yet? I keep clicking these damn shoes, but nothing happens…

April 4th, 21.19: thinks the sudden disappointment of a hope leaves a scar which the ultimate fulfilment of that hope never entirely removes

April 4th, 15.27: is happy!!! Baby girl Lia has arrived a week before schedule (and no need to ask me if it's mine…)


April 3rd, 21.14: wants to bury her head deep, deep down in the sand and bring it out later maybe towards the summer… Can she?

April 3rd, 20.54: is not quite certain how she feels so she’ll just keep quiet for a little while…

April 3rd, 17.24: is realising conscience keeps more people awake than coffee.

April 3rd, 13.16: is wondering, are there some women put in the world just to make you feel bad about yourself?

April 3rd, 11.43: is advising… Ask not what you can do for your country… Ask what’s for lunch!

April 3rd, 10.45: is advising… Don’t hate yourself in the morning. Sleep till noon!

April 3rd; 3.44: is in bed done contemplating the ceiling and now onto the walls. Her brain is in high speed and basically, its all a mess! If only there was an eraser for things in life!

April 3rd, 1.25: has found a good reason to be up this late… Night time is really the best time to work. All the ideas are there to be yours because everyone else is asleep!

April 3rd, 0.05: is asking you to stop telling her the sky is the limit… there are footprints on the moon!!


April 2nd, 23.11: had a dream she stood beneath an orange sky…

April 2nd, 10.47: is wishing she could sleep through all the drama, wake up and have all the mess whipped out!!

April 2nd, 2.07am: has been living out a sex and the city episode today… Too much drama for her pure little soul! Its 2.07 and her brain is still in function…


April 1st, 19.39: believes assumption is the mother of the screw-up!

April 1st, 14.10: is ending her party and event retirement. What can I say… Couldn’t do without you!! Am addicted!


April fool's... :)


April 1st, 11.56: Sandra has decided to end her parties and events. It's time to pack all things and move to Bretagne with the nature and the wild. Thank you all. Will miss you!!

April 1st, 3.13am: is thinking (yes, even at 3.13am) that there is much good, but also something bad about all these worldwide networking sites... It makes the world shrink

April 1s, 2.12a: should consider going to bed. First comes “consider”, then comes the actual going to bed action…

Saturday, 1 March 2008

March 31st, 22.44: is having quite a nice night for an evening…

March 31st, 11.11
: is watching “America’s next Top Model” and wants to have some Oreo’s!!!… Maybe will just switch to water… with lemon!


March 30th, 23.18
: is wondering…I am, you are and they are but… who is he?

March 30th, 12.30
: is looking for something, finding something else and realizing that what she’s found is more suited to her needs than what she thought she was looking for

March 30th, 4.10
: is up past 4am.. Now what? May counting rhino's help? 1 rhino, 2 rhino's, 3 rhino's..


March 29th, 20.04
: thinks life is an endless struggle full of frustrations and challenges, but eventually you find a hair stylist you like

March 29th, 11.17
: got up one morning and couldn’t find her socks so she called Information. She said “Hi Information. I can’t find my socks”. She said “They’re behind the couch” and they were!

March 29th, 3.30
: is going to bed… (Which may just be the most dull status update in a long time)


March 28th, 18.43
: got her new little ASUS toy today. Easy to learn ,easy to work, easy to play!

March 28th, 11am
: thinks it’s spring fever… You don’t quite know what it is you DO want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so!


March 27th, 13.12
: is back after a few days of switching off… or on… depending how you look at it…


Sandra “is taking a break in the sunny south of France”


March 24th, 12.31
: is about to go out and sort out a strange situation… Men! All the same! They have the sports car and want the mansion with 5 dogs and maids to go with!!

March 24th, 0.53:
wants to act all crazy and goofy and sweet and insane with someone… Is that so terribly wrong?


March 23rd, 12.12
: Good morning (and in case I don't see you, good afternoon, good evening, and good night) and HAPPY EASTER

March 23rd, 3.58am
: is hating her cat chest scratch and hopefully won’t wake up eager to bite and hide from the light! Sweet cats should come with no claws or at least rubber ones!


March 22nd, 11.27:
is getting closer to the edge of the bed so she can eventually get out of it.. That next step may take some time though…


March 21st, 23.27
: wishes there would be a cookbook for life, you know… with recipes telling us exactly what to do…

March 21st, 4.29am
: is back home and it’s already the 21st… Where did 20 go???….


March 19th, 20.41
: wants to be the leading lady, not just the best friend…

March 19th, 20.26
: just wants to disappear!


March 18th, 23.54
: is in her pj and thinks she may be in bed early… before dawn…. That’s quite a step don’t you think!?

March 18th, 15.30
: is wishing upon a star and a big latte! Both are quite related you know… Just close your eyes and try to visualise!

March 18th, 11.38
: it’s not yet 12pm and am almost ready to go… Needs only to shower, dress, make her bed, her hair, her lunch and then all set! Am such a quick chick!

March 18th, 10.12
: is realising alarm clocks are useless unless you have some motivation and strong will.. Right now it's too early to say

March 18th, 1.21
: is still up and it’s past 1am, still watching ‘House’, still in front of her laptop and still not in bed… Now is the time a pill or pan is needed!

March 18th, 0.55
: is getting close to 1am and still watching ‘House’, still in front of her laptop and still not in bed… Now she should start getting tired!

March 18th, 0.19
: is still watching ‘House’, still in front of her laptop and still not in bed… Although it’s not yet 1am so it’s all still under control!


March 17th, 10.40
: is up for the 4th time since 3am… What else!?

March 17th, 2.20:
has been looking at the time for the past 2 hours and asking herself “why oh why can I not sleep? Why oh why”… Am asking you, why then!??


March 16th, 23.39:
is home after a lot of coffee, sushi, friends, rain and now some “House”. A perfect Sunday… What else!?

March 16th, 13.17
: is up since almost an hour with a neck that feels like a stiff tree tank and feel as sexy as an old woman walking in orthopaedic shoes and a cane!

March 16th, 3.35
: is home after having danced like a stuck chick… not so classy… and fighting her way through the crowd trying not to twist her head so much… quite impossible


March 15th, 14.15
: has a stiff & painful neck! Head moves a bit to the left but the right is followed by a scream. When you see her tonight at the OZU, remember, left side!!

March 15th, 11.28
: is considering getting up and leaving bed. Got to make herself all pretty for tonight's OZU AQUA! RSVP ON EVENT WALL.

March 15th, 0.28
: is thinking, when in doubt, tell the truth… or sing loud!


March 14th, 12.42
: is pretending not to be here today… So if you’re asking yourself where she may be, she is asking herself that same question

March 14th, 3am
: is wondering.. If i go on a night out with you, fall down & break a leg, will you carry me home or put me in a cab so you can run to the bar?

March 14th, 2.21
: is lost in her feelings… Is it the no salt & sugar diet that is making her feel this way or is she having a not-quite-yet-mid-life-crises episode?


March 13th, 19.50
: is wondering… are you going to the Fumoir tonight? I am going to the Fumoir tonight! You should definitely go to the Fumoir tonight! Let’s go to the Fumoir tonight!

March 13th, 10.32
: is wondering… are we already in July? Please wake me up when we will be

March 13th, 1.48am
: thinks silence was never written down…


March 12th, 10.30
: is still hearing that weird 'something is moving somewhere' noise coming from somewhere in her bedroom… Who's brave enough to look?… She's not…

March 12th, 0.06
: is thinking it is already tomorrow and wondering what it will bring… Maybe something that will make her happy. Needs some of that


March 11th, 4am
: is realising she stayed up till 4am with the lights on & a broom ready to kill the 'mouse'… Which in fact was the wind in the chimney… No comment needed please!

March 11th, 2.41am
: is scared there may be a mouse or something unwanted like that with her in the room.. Or maybe it's just the stormy wind making mice like sounds??… Sleep gone!


March 10th, 23.49
: is preparing herself for sleep… trying to in any case. One baby step at a time and hopefully in bed before “The Bold & The Beautiful” is on TV

March 10th, 17.18
: is about to go listen to the Capuçon’s then 66 with the clubbers! No idea what I’m talking about? … Maybe one day I’ll explain over coffee!


March 9th, 22.07
: had so much sushi today she thinks she may be turning into a mermaid

March 9th, 13.42:
is looking through the window at the grey sky and the rain. It pretty much reflects the mood of the day… A good chick flick with a good chick is in order!

March 9th, 5.28am
: is sad that people she thought so highly of managed to disappoint her this badly. You think you know someone… then you realise you don't!


March 8th, 21.59
: is getting ready for some Electrochic tonight… So chic!!

March 8th, 19.28
: managed to make her new fabulous printer/copy/scanner work... and put the inc correctly (thank you daddy though!!!!...)

March 8th, 1.09am
: is realising it’s already March 8th… Where did the 7 other days already go?


March 7th, 12.45
: is happy because she ordered her little mini ASUS pc toy but sad because she won’t have it till at least another week… Offer & demand and all that you know…

March 7th, 0.17
: is in her 5th day of no salt & sugar food (& drinks) The question is, drink at the UNICEF party tomorrow or MADAM Saturday? Making herself proud!

March 6th, 20.40
: thinks it is our illusions that create the world… sometimes however it creates unnecessary sadness…

March 6th, 16.27
: thinks you should put a grain of boldness into everything you do... However, what if what I want to do now is simply stupid??…

March 6th, 10.16
: is starting to think the universe it designed to break our hearts… but maybe life is designed to break that scheme!

March 6th, 1am
: is starting to think the universe it designed to break our hearts… 1am is an hour for deep thoughts…


March 5th, 23.55
: is watching the clock and counting the minutes… In 5 minutes am turning into a pumpkin… already got he hair, the rest should follow!

March 5th, 19.06
: is thinking that if he seems too good to be true… He probably is…

March 5th, 0.08am
: wanted to sleep early but.. There's “Histoire Courtes” on FR2 special Israel & Palestine and… Well… You know me… Bye-bye beauty sleep…


March 4th, 23.44
: is going to bed before midnight… Early meeting oblige! May god be with my sleep…

March 4th, 13.51
: wants to take you with her to MADAM / Electrochic this Saturday. Wanna come?? RSVP by MAIL


March 3rd, 21.16
: is asking you, what have you done for me today?

March 3rd, 12.06
: thinks the trouble is if you don't risk anything, you risk even more…

March 3rd, 3am
: needs sleeping lessons. They never taught us that in school. All we got was cooking & sawing, but not sleeping… So now what!?

March 3rd, 1.41am
: should really be in bed by now, shouldn’t she!!??… Yes well… She isn’t and only god knows why… Unless you know (!?)


February 2nd, 22.36
: thinks girly Sundays is a fabulous concept only keep away from cheeseburgers. Just because the menu is refined & classy… At the end of the day, it’s still a cheeseburger!

March 2nd, 13.30
: is asking… would ‘good morning’ be an appropriate thing to say or should it rather be kept a secret pretending to have gotten up a few good hours ago….

March 2nd, 4.01am
: is amazed how quickly time flies by. It’s already March 2nd and past 4am and she’s still not clean-faced and in bed… What does it take!!!?


March 1st, 18.19
: wanted an early night in but is actually having an early start out! … And god created retirement!!

March 1st, 15.10
: is looking for an afternoon coffee date in the Marais… If there are any volunteers out there – call me!

March 1st, 4.23am
: is saying good night, good morning and food afternoon if I don't see you before!