Sunday, 3 February 2008

February 29th, 20.33 : is doing her nails, doing her hair, doing her makeup and about to party at 23.45 at Regine’s tonight for the special FASHION WEEK AFTER PARTY!

February 29th, 11.36
: TONIGHT - Fashion Week After-Party at RĂ©gine!! RSVP + x on event WALL or you'll cry and cry many, many rivers!!! ;).

February 29th, 3.30am
: still up, still not sleeping, still looking at her clock showing 3.30am & still just as frustrated.. Need to be a sexy blond tonight, not a tired zombie


February 27th, 9.29
: is already up and even dressed to go… Can you believe!? What won’t she do for human kind!!

February 27th, 1.30am
: is up at half past 1am and can feel the sharp teeth come out.. So beware, or I'll bite!


February 26th, 21.42
: is back from the dead!!!! ... Rather from a daily coma...


Account disabled for half a day… Like a trip into the twilight zone!


February 25th, 23.57:
likes the word "indolence." It makes her laziness seem classy!

February 25th, 11.15
: is ashamed to say she is still in -bip- and is quite lazy to -bip- but it may be time…

February 25th, 1.23am
: is asking; what do you get when you cross an insomniac, an agnostic & a dyslexic? ---- Someone who stays up all night wondering if there’s a Dog.

February 25th, 1.03am
: is up, is vegetating, is contemplating, is craving pizza…


February 24th, 22.11
: managed to avoid massive shoe shopping today! It’s really hard to walk in a single woman’s shoes… That’s why you sometimes need really special shoes!


February 23rd, 22.53
: wants to go over there, break into his house, throw herself at him and make a complete fool of herself…

February 23rd, 0.21am
: says; they say it’s better to be poor & happy than rich & miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich & just moody?


February 22nd, 19.12
: is a firm believer in good sofas, tea and DVD’s! That my friend, is one hell of a party night!

February 22nd, 11.26
: will be Etienn’ing today with her event organisation bible. If anyone is bored, I have the parties!

February 22nd, 10.54
: is having one of those “oh my poor head” mornings and thinks the world outside is making a bit too much noise

February 22nd, 3.48am
: is back home after some Echelle and heading to bed! Amazing isn’t it!!? (The bed bit)


February 21st, 0.25am
: thinks easy reading is damn hard writing!


February 20th, 21.12
: thinks it’s a curious thought, but its only when you see people looking ridiculous that you realize just how much you love them

February 20th, 12.33
: thinks nonsense is so good only because common sense is so limited.

February 20th, 9.06
: has been up for more than 2 hours… May be normal but what’s the point in getting up early when you can get up late!

February 20th, 1.36am
: can't breath at 1.36am… In bed without enough air…


February 19th, 13.24
: likes nonsense, it wakes up brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient to living!


February 18th, 21.06
: thinks these status updates are completely unimportant. That is why they are so interesting!

February 18th, 20.10
: is sometimes wondering if men and women really suit each other. Perhaps they should live next door and just visit now and then.

February 18th, 12.32
: is perplex… Is it not morning? Did I sleep too late? Should I have lunch instead of breakfast? Are you all at work since 9am?


February 17th, 11.20
: thinks men in their 30’s are like the NY Times Sunday crosswords puzzle; tricky, complicated and you’re never really sure you got the right answer

February 17th, 3.20
: is home, fed, champagne’d, dance’d, feet-paine’d… Drunk?… Nahhh


February 16th, 20.56
: has come to the conclusion that drinking champagne doesn’t make you fat. It makes you lean… against bats, tables, chairs and poles

February 16th, 12.58
: is going out and it’s not yet 2pm. Crazy right!!? What can I say, Saturday does that to me!

February 16th, 1.36am
: is back home, not tired, not quite awake, not quite sure actually…


February 15th, 20.11
: feels a woman wears her tears like jewellery


February 14th, 18.37
: feels that sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated…

February 14th, 12.59
: is quoting… Don't worry about losing. If it is right, it happens - The Main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away!


February 13th, 23.16
: is thinking that giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go… Am I?

February 13th, 14.37
: is looking for a sign but… Is thinking that maybe the absence of signs is a sign…


February 12th, 23.01
: has reached the conclusion life isn’t some elaborate stage play with directions for the actors. Life is a mess… It’s chaos personified!

February 12th, 19.17:
is thinking that perhaps we are never deceived, maybe we just deceive ourselves…

February 12th, 11.56
: is asking you; can you imagine a world without men? No crime or distress and lots of happy fat women…


February 11th, 23.26
: wants so much to open your eyes cause I need you to look into mine…

February 11th, 2.05am
: is back in Paris from a very nice weekend with a bag full of questions and not many answers in sight…


February 8th, 18.14
: is getting ready for Regine’s Blond night, a flight right after, a touristy German day and a birthday party before she can go to sleep again…

February 8th, 12.44
: is thinking what hair colour would go best with her shoes today… Red or blond… Come admire tonight at REGINE!

February 8th, 9.37
: was asleep by 9pm, woke up at 9am this morning. God bless the sleeping pill!! More then ready for tonight’s REGINE PARTY! Attend! Attend!


February 7th, 20.34
: is heading to bed with a precious sleeping pill. FOR FRIDAY’S REGINE PARTY, PLEASE RSVP+ x BY MAIL. NO NEED TO ASK FOR CONFIRMATION

February 7th, 8.14
: went to bed at 2am, listened to music till 4am, read till 5.30am, watched TV till… Now. Sleep? None!

February 7th, 0.29
: is quoting a wise man who said “Life is something that happens when you can't get to sleep”… I guess am following the advice and living instead!


February 6th, 1.18:
is thinking that too many people keep telling her “The world waits for you”, so how about changing it to “sleep will come to you” for just a bit?


February 5th, 23.08
: is watching a Bollywood Hindi film with no subtitles and is actually quite concentrated… I think time has come to say; No, I am not ok!

February 5th, 11.09
: is thinking faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase… Can someone please turn on the light so I can see?
February 5th, 2.01: thinks it may be time… really… it may just be!

February 5th, 0.43am
: is on the sofa wondering when she will end up in bed tonight… The mysteries of life

February 4th, 18.04
: is thinking, therefore she is confused!

February 4th, 17.21: is at the Fumoir with her laptop, in a so-so mood but assures you that if ever you pass by, she’ll squeeze in a genuine smile

February 4th, 12.33: is loosing (some) faith in (part of) humanity
February 4th, 2.04am: is up so late again… Tomorrow there’ll be so much to do so I’ll just go drift in a dream with you…


February 3rd, 22.48: is amazed at how hard it can be to find a drink date on Sunday evening… Is no one out having a cocktail at this time on this specific day?

February 3rd, 19.55: is seeing her life being postponed

February 3rd, 11.43: is up getting ready for the last day before the new start… Deep isn’t it!?


February 2nd, 10.38: is realising she postponed so many things lately she has now 2 days to do them all in… Can someone indicate me the “buy time” shop? Are they on sale?

February 2nd, 0.30: has reached the end of her last free Friday… 6 months of free Fridays, among the other 7 days of the week, may be time to get busy!


February 1st, 11.51: is thinking there’s no point in being grown up if you can’t be childish sometimes

February 1st, 2.45am: thinks the downside is she made a complete fool of herself tonight. The bright side is though she managed to do a ponytail. Tiny one, but it holds!

February 1st, 1.53am: was gone and now is back! Bring your good times and your laughter too. We gonna celebrate the party with you!