January 31st, 11.18: is already up and has been for the past 49 minutes… It’s not since 8am yet but hey, am working on it so give me some credit!!
January 31st, 0.40: thinks many great ideas have been lost because the people who had them could not stand being laughed at. Laugh at me starting Monday 9am!!
January 30th, 22.35: is determined, is researching, is motivated and has decided to kick some ass and break some deals! Now she’s still resting though so come back later!
January 30th, 0.38am: Think of the magic of a foot, comparatively small, upon your whole weight rests. It’s a miracle so, who needs to celebrate a new job when you can celebrate your feet…
January 29th, 19.11: is getting up at 8am starting on Monday, and the day after, and the day after… Need an explanation? J
January 29th, 1.20am: is missing something she doesn’t even know…
January 28th, 16.28: is confused and has decided this… The world and I have come to an understanding, and that is, not to understand each other!
January 27th, 12.59: is opening an eye but the other won't follow… If she closes both however it goes well… There is not such thing as a problem. There are only solutions! Solution = sleep more!
January 27th, 23.38: is back home more exhausted than she’s allowed to be because at the end of the day… there is no end of the day really and exhaustion is not in the contract!!
January 26th, 19.10: is all about sleeping, fashion, napping, dining and clubbing today… in that order!
January 25th, 22.11: is thinking that maybe in order to make an important decision, one has to stop thinking!!
January 25th, 21.17: has a decision to make and can’t decide what to decide. A small person in a big wide world with a major decision!
January 25th, 12.09: is trying to convince her self that maybe one day... Just that day... Maybe...
January 25th, 2am: needs to sleep. Can't sleep. It's 2am. Got to try harder. Has an interview and needs to kick minimum ass. Needs to sleep!
January 25th, 1.37am: is back home after a long day out and thought would just stop by to bid you good night… Good night… Hopefully I’ll get some (sleep!!!!)
January 24th, 11.12: is thinking over today’s To Do & To See list… If I tell you, you will only get jealous so… I won’t!
January 24th, 1.09: is still up when she should really be out slowly killing brain cells with fabulous champagne, or in bed lights off walking on a creamy Nutella road
January 23rd, 19.20: is sad. Been hearing all day Heath Ledger died and only now realised Heath Ledger is actually Heath Ledger and not the 90 year old actor she thought he was since this morning…
January 23rd, 11.06: thinks the one way to get thin is to re-establish a purpose in life… My new purpose is to get thin, would that work?
January 22nd, 23.00: Breathing is the greatest pleasure in life they say… Today mine has been a bit handicapped. Hopefully sleep will solve that and so starting… Now!
January 22nd, 20.14: believes that home is not where you live but where they understand you. Do you understand me?
January 22nd, 9.24: is up since 8.30. Yes, 8.30… I know, early but hey, got to start at some point right!?… Don’t worry… tomorrow will catch up! (*evil grin*)
January 21st, 23.47: is horrified … Am out of ‘Prison Break’! What’s after Bang & Burn??… Patience… What is patience!?…January 21st, 19.48: is back home, shoes off, sweat pants on, salad & soja steak eaten and Prison Break S3 breaking!
January 21st, 11.08: is up from another tormented night where she assumed someone got killed outside her house and the neighbours kids got crazy very… very early in the morning!
January 21st, 2am: is in bed slightly terrified & pissed because either a killer in the street or the gangster on TV woke her up with weird screams & human chopping up...
January 21st, 0.01: is back home after a perfect Sunday… if only she could have started it 7 hours earlier, but Sundays are made for sleeping late, right!?… Right!!
January 20th, 13.00: has finally decided to put both feet on the ground and her head off the pillow!! Small step for human kind, a huge step for Sandra Hayon on this Sunday…
January 20th, 3.18am: is trying very hard to press stop and go to bed, but Scofield is making it so damn hard!!
January 20th, 2.16am: is sad because they killed Sarah and put her head in a box… Need episode 5! Need episode 5!!
January 20th, 1.36am: is a Prison Break, Season 3, episodes 1-4 so far addict… Take it away from me!!…Please!!… I’ll pay!!
January 19th, 23.39: should she stay or should she go. If she goes there will be trouble and if she stays there will be double. So come on and let her know… Should she stay or should she go!!?
January 19th, 20.53: is thinking that life is a shipwreck but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboat
January 19th, 2.09am: is thinking that while compiling her status updates (http://sandrahayon-facebook.blogspot.com/) time flies by so high up in the sky…
January 18th, 12.50: is making no comment about her wake up time… Brunch time, 2 interviews coming right up with sauce on the side!
January 18th, 3.05am: is back home after a fabulous night out with fabulous people! … Craving pizza!! Whoever can get her a good old-fashioned pepperoni pizza at 3am is her hero!!
January 17th, 16.21: is torn between staying home and going out to get some milk… Rainless warm flat or milkless cereal tomorrow morning?
January 17th, 12.58: is thinking that if… and only if… but really, just if… She will tell you what she’s thinking of!
January 17th, 10.35: is up way too early and can’t decide if to move her big butt (yes, it’s huge!) or put it back to bed for maybe a little hour…Maybe should think over it in bed for ½ an hour or so…
January 17th, 2am: is in bed after a fabulous evening, hoping to have a fabulous night filled with lots of fabulous sleep so she can look fabulously good tomorrow ... It's 2am... Will she be sleeping by 2.10?
January 16th, 13.12: is up and ready to bite the day in the ass!! (the fresh-fruit-morning-salad effect)
January 16th, 1.54: is up too late again and wonders if there is a “Fall asleep in 2 min” program like there is for “Make a million in a day”!?
January 15th, 19.19: is stubborn and doesn’t want to hear a man’s opinion, she just wants to hear her own opinion in a deeper voice!
January 15th, 11.33: is uninspired and wishes she could see an angel in the marble and carve it until she sets him free
January 15th, 1.34: is done with ¼ of her ironing (yes, there’s a lot) and movie. Maybe will start on sleeping book tomorrow and let nature do it’s thing tonight… Hopefully!
January 15th, 0.32: is ironing and watching Bee Movie… past midnight… And only started… on both… Ridiculous! Bought a book on “Bien Dormir Enfin”, sure this is not in the program!
January 14th, 17.32: has nothing special to say… just thought it had to be pointed out!
January 14th, 2am: is in bed wondering what shirt & shoes to wear to tomorrow's interviews... No wonder she's still far from sleep with these stupid questions in mind
January 14th, 1.50am: is realising that in bed before 0.30 does not necessarily mean asleep by 0.30… Why is that!!?
January 14th, 0.17: is happy to announce she is going to bed!! And it's not yet 0.30!! Sandra is making the insomniac society proud!!
January 13th, 18.55: is spending the afternoon… since she can’t take it with her back home.
January 13th, 16.55: is Etienne Marcel’ing again as Sunday tradition wants it. Anyone around, welcome to pop by
January 13th, 14.30: is freshly up and out of bed… Yes, it’s past 2pm, so what!! If its God’s resting day may as well be mine too!!
January 13th, 1.58: is thinking it’s a lonesome road we shall walk…
January 12th, 19.14: is home. Now the real question is, to stay in or to play Russian?January 12th, 12.19: wants to start her day but can’t decide what to start with so maybe should start by thinking that one out
Janaury 11th, 20.25: someone once asked me “if we have a baby male, can he apply to Jewishness?”
January 11th, 2.48am: is home after a great night out listening to a great man conduct a fabulous orchestra, nice dinner, nice drinks, good company… I should be in bed, right?
January 10th, 1.10: is asking you… Who needs a man when the sales are on!!!?? (Cynicism is allowed past 1am) Shoes shoes everywhere and not a drop to spare!!
January 10th, 0.54: is fine with it! He didn’t call, so what!? Had a great dinner with a friend, a fabulous after dinner drinks with friends, found a fan, so, who needs him anyway?
January 9th, 16.34: * NEW EVENT * (Facebook Group Restrictions) Please check => http://www.fac ebook.com/grou p.php?gid=3377 915541 for PARIS EVENT updates!
January 9th, 12.55: is wondering what shop less part of town to go to for lunch! Avoid temptation!! Too many shoes no more space!!
January 9th, 9.42: is going to pre-admire the master at work, then lunch, then try to avoid all sale shoe shops then… cry cause her dinner date stood her up!!
January 8th, 20.48: is up from a few hours nap, just in time to go back to bed! Hopefully tonight will sleep & spare the world another day of disastrous behavior!
January 8th, 5am: January 8th, sometime in the middle of the night : wants to sleep! Not who millions, nor find the man of her dreams, that perfect pair of shoes, but sleep! Simply sleep! Is that too much to ask !?
January 8th, sometime later in the middle of the night: wants to sleep! Not who millions, nor find the man of her dreams, that perfect pair of shoes, but sleep! Simply sleep! Is that too much to ask !?
January 8th, sometime in the middle of the night: wants to sleep! Not who millions, nor find the man of her dreams, nor the dog of her dreams, but sleep! Simply sleep! What’s the trick !?
January 8th, 0.37: is something weird...
January 7th, 11.15: is going crazy. Sometime not working & getting up late in the morning can be annoying.. Especially when woken up by loud workers digging holes next to your head
January 7th, 0.07: is home after hours and hours of cafe'ing with friends & laptop. Realising not much was done today but day was great! One of those Sundays
January 6th, 21.13: is still Etienne Marcel’ing since 3pm. Why leave when people read this and come by? Sten, Marc, Marty… who next? Doors are open wide!
January 6th, 19.29: is Etienne Marcel’ing since 3pm. Still same problem, it’s soon 8pm & still too lazy to leave. Anyone by here by any chance with great(er) motivational skills?
January 6th, 18.15: is Etienne Marcel’ing since 3pm. Problem though, it’s soon 7pm and am too lazy to leave... Anyone driving by here by any chance with great motivational skills?
January 6th, 13.43: is up on the sofa… first step bed => sofa… Next step may come in a few… ten’s of minutes
January 6th, 13.23: is realizing how everyone is up and active while she just barely opened an eye and still under the duvet.. And it's past 1pm… Feels good though :)
January 5th, 10.40: is thinking that if one is too lazy to get out of bed then why get out of bed.. Yet why stay in bed if one wants to get up.. Life can b so complicated sometimes
January 4th, 21.04: is having this on one hand, that on the other hand. That’s why she’s wrings her hands
January 4th, 9.41: is thinking that once upon a time there was a fabulous modern day princess trapped in a tower… a ground floor tower
January 3rd, 19.15: is thinking that once upon a time there was an ugly frog… actually 2 of them
January 3rd, 13.20: is thinking that once upon a time.........
January 2nd, 22.27: is asking herself why the hell is she singing out loud 'I wish you a Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year' all year long… except during the holiday season (!!?)
January 2nd, 11.57: is wondering why it is that silly existential questions come to mind at all hour of the day really, more so on new year times maybe...
January 2nd, 2.54am: is still up & wondering why it is that silly existential questions always come to mind past certain hours at night, even more so on NY times... Craving pizza!
January 2nd, 1.41am: is wondering... If I build it will it come?
January 1st, 23.37: is feeling something but can't really decide what it is... So many feelings to choose from!! Maybe I'll do it like a menu. One day, one feeling!